Character Sheet: Tobias Mayer Florian

Start from the beginning

Mental health » stable

Medical history » healthy


General outfit » Dress shirt with vest and matching suit coat, jeans or dress pants, loafers, and optional tie.

Jewelry » wedding ring on his left hand

Glasses/Contacts » none

Piercings » none

Weapons/Equipment » not one for fighting, but he does carry a hand gun for emergencies and isn't afraid to use it if he needs to protect someone.

Extra accessories » green and gold cuff-links


Accent » Austrian

Primary(first) Language » Viennese German

Languages Spoken » English, German(several dialects), Latin, Italian, French, Spanish, Russian.

Languages Understood but not Spoken » Japanese, Vietnamese, Turkish, Cantonese, Mandarin.


Fears » Being forgotten or left behind, failing those he cares about, falling in love, dying alone.

Dreams » He is very passionate about language and culture and wishes to one day become fluent in every known language there is (although it's a very unrealistic goal). He wants to honor as many cultures as he can and give them the recognition he feels they deserve. Also wants to live a peaceful and loving life with his husband where no one can bother them.

Triggers » Alcohol, being touched when he really doesn't want to be

Likes » Classical music (mainly piano and violin), fine wine, historical novels, roses, learning about different cultures and languages, vintage noir movies, chocolate covered strawberries, Carter.

Dislikes » People waking him up early, paperwork, people who try too hard, physical touch (hugs, handshakes, etc.), high expectation, people taking advantage of the weak, people disrespecting other cultures and beliefs, people complaining about not understanding language ("you should speak in ENGLISH like the rest of the world"). Basically he really hates when people try to tell someone to not be themselves simply because it's "inconvenient" for the rest of the world.

Habits » Forgetting to eat, falling asleep at his desk, trying to hold full conversations in languages other people don't know (just to fuck with them).

Hobbies » Reading, sleeping, staring at Carter and smiling, cuddling with Carter, giving Bryn headaches, avoiding responsibilities.

Good traits » Loyal, patient, good with kids, ambitious, independent, cautious, self-reliant, persistent, confident, fast learner, adaptable (though he hates it).

Bad traits » Weak to sexual pleasure, has minor trust and abandonment issues that sometimes effect his work, forgets to eat sometimes or flat out refuses to eat because he's "busy", can be very possessive and defensive, hates physical touch, change, and is a former alcoholic.

Temperament » Extremely laid back most of the time and very slow to anger. He's very calm and level headed and thinks thoroughly before making decisions, but if you make him mad enough to snap then there's no way to prepare yourself for his petty yet creative revenge.

Turn ons » Someone talking in a language he doesn't know, strong will or fiery personality, bright eyes, intelligence, complete release of control to him (feeling needed and trusted), neck kisses.


Color » green

Food » Apple strudel or tafelspitz

Drink » it used to be straight vodka, but he doesn't drink anymore, so he's normally happy with a cup of hot cider.

Animal » fox

Book » Crime and Punishment

Place » Vienna, Norway, or South Italy

Memory » meeting Carter


Family Members »

Carter Florian - husband

Bay Donovan Blu - step brother-in-law

Guinevere Abbott - mother-in-law (deceased)

Dylan Abbott - father-in-law (deceased)

Allison Blu(Abbott) - step mother-in-law (deceased)

Other key relationships »

Bryn Keller - Tobias' best friend and basically his adopted brother. He was the one who accidentally got Tobias into working with the Austrian mafia, which lead to Tobias eventually taking over the Syndicate before the war. Regrets letting Tobias get involved, but stays by his side through everything.

Adalwolf Meisner - Head medic and surgeon of the Syndicate, one of the only people who can actually make Tobias do something he doesn't want to do (without complaining too much).

Klaus Schwartz - One of Tobias' personal guards and a close friend, formerly a member of the Armed Forces.

Kailas Patel - leader of the Phoniks Vidroh, a bit like Tobias' apprentice in regards to leading a group of soldiers, negotiating with other allies, and engage trade through post-war America.

Known group relationships »

Syndicate - group of post war former gang members based in Vienna, Austria, of which he is the leader. They deal in weapons from all over Europe, as well as fuel and supplies both medical and food based.

Phoniks Vidroh - the lead rebellion against the new government, based in an undisclosed location in the United States, lead by Kailas Patel. Their main goal is to eradicate the government that has set up their home in post war America, wanting to free the survivors from an oppressive "hope".

Con Rồng - the new government founded and lead by Bay Donovan Blu (Carter's step brother). Created solely for the purpose of protecting Carter, but distorted into something manic and unstable because of Bay.

Fer-de-Lance/Asper - currently an ally of the rebellions, former prisoners from Brazil lead by Andrei Oliveira (deceased), now a part of the fight against the new government.

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