"Brooklyn I am so sorry! I thought you kissed him back. I didn't mean to break up with you, but I swear in my mind it looked like you were kissing Dolph I am so stupid I should have let you explain first. And now your with Dolph so its too late to start over!" He mumbled the last part but was still audible. The doctor came in and smiled.

"So we are going to start now and the nurses will be here just in case, if you don't mind."

"Not at all!" I answered. Dean rubbed his hands on his pants to remove the sweat. The doctor looked at him as smiled.

"First time dad?" She asked

"Uh yeah. Sorry I'm just nervous!" I placed my hand on top of his and giggled a bit.

"Oh please no need to be sorry. Many dads are nervous at first I'm sure you'll be a great father!" he complemented. He smiled and we proceeded with labor. Or I proceeded with labor!

*25 minutes later

"Alright one more push!"

"Come on Brooklyn!" Randy yelled from the opposite side of the door.

"One more push princess. You can do it!" I was sweaty and in pain. I built up momentum and pushed one more time but harder squeezing Dean's hand harder as well.

"OWW your hurting me!" Dean wined. I ignored his complaint and sighed of relief and smiled when I heard the cries of my baby. Dean kissed my head and stayed by my side.

"Congratulations! Its a beautiful baby boy!" The doctor smiled. "Do you have a name?" She asked as she opened the door to let the others in. I looked at Dean letting him choose the first name.

"Wait I get to choose the name?" He asked. Galina laughed as Sheila face palmed her forehead.

"Well duh!" I giggled. Every one laughed as he thought of a name.

"Can he be named Ashton?" He turned to face me.

"The name will be Ashton Tyler Ambrose!" I smiled. I turned to face Dolph and he didn't seem very happy. I ignored him and stared at the nurses as they washed him up.

"Wait Tyler?" Seth asked realizing the baby's middle name. Becky and Abby looked confused at Seth's reaction, I mean who wouldn't.

"Yeah, I like what's wrong with it?" I asked smiling at him. A smirk slowly appeared on his face. I looked over towards the others looking at them when I see Abby sitting next to Dolph once again untying his shoes.

"Look, she the middle name for the baby was named after you! Don't rub it in!" Roman spoke. I laughed as my baby was handed over to me. I looked down at him and he hasn't opened his eyes yet but he looks more like me.

"What do you mean after Seth. There is no Tyler in Seth Rollins!" Sheila commented. Abby mumbled something while getting up, walking over to Sheila then smacking her in the back of the head.

"Dummy in Ring of Honor Seth Rollins wrestled under the name Tyler Black. You of all people should know that because your dad is friends with him!" Abby explained sitting back down this time in a chair.

"What I want to know is if its Dean's child?" Randy asked "Cause if its Baron's, no offence, but its going to be one ugly kid!"

"And Barons going to get his ass kick. Oh by the way Brooklyn did you tell him?" Seth asked crossing his arms. I handed Ashton to Dean after kissing him on the forehead then looked at Seth.

"Yes Seth. I told him" I said rolling my

"Good Girl!" He replied as if I were a dog. Dolph seemed to be very uncomfortable and made his way to the exit.

"Where you going babe?"  I asked turning the attention to him. He played with his fingers and answered, "I'm going back to the hotel. I'm tired from my match that was stopped half way through." He responded leaving the room.

"Ok so we are going to leave you two newly parents alone for a couple more minutes then I want to hold the baby!" Seth chuckled. Dean and I were once again left alone with Ashton in his hands. Dean handed me the baby and I looked at his sweet delicate face. Ashton slowly started to open his eyes and I smiled and shed a tear when I saw the color of them. Blue!

"Dean!" I practically whisper/yelled surprisingly not making the baby cry. His head shot up and relaxed once he saw the smile on my face.

"What?" He stood up and made his way over to my bed. I couldn't stop smiling and Dean looked kind of nervous.

"Stop it your scaring me. Why are you smiling like that?"

"Do me a favor and look at his eyes!" Dean turned his attention to Ashton and immediately   smiled

"He's got blue eyes! Which means I'm the father and not Baron!" He spoke as he Ashton smiled up at him.

"He's ours Deano!" His lips suddenly crashed into mine and we parted. We stared into each others eyes and smiled. That's when I realized I want my family to be Dean, Ashton and I, not Dolph. I am truly In Love with the Lunatic!


And that is it my friends the book has officially ended. I just want to take a moment to thank every single one of you for reading and commenting on this book. This has been an amazing journey for Abby and I and we hope you had fun reading this book as much as we loved writing it. Abby and I are thinking of doing a sequel and I will give you all a heads up when the sequel is up. Once again thank you for all your support! Much Love!! Sheila<3

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