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Dean p.o.v.

I ran right towards Paige picked her up and sat back down on the couch placing her on my just hugging her to death. I knew exactly how she felt since I felt the same way when I hear the name Mackenzie. Paige didn't hesitate to wrap her legs around my waist and cry into my shoulder. Now I know you guys might think I'm a bad boyfriend to Brooklyn since I have Paige on me in a straddling position but I'm really just comforting someone that I still deep down in my heart care about.

"It hurts Dean, it really hurts, my heart really hurts thinking about her." Paige sobbed

"I know, I know. But guess what if we stay strong we can get through this."

"But what will Brooklyn and Seth think. I can't loose Seth, Dean. I love him I really do." She said as she cried even harder into my shoulder.

"Listen Paige if Seth and Brooklyn don't understand what happened and where we stand with each other and our past than maybe they aren't the right people for us."

Paige didn't respond, and she stopped crying a couple minutes after I laid the truth out. It's true , if they don't understand than maybe we aren't meant to be with them. We stayed in our position for a while. Just relaxing, getting the last few tears out and just thought. Paige eventually got up and sat next to me with her head on my shoulder,and my arm around her in a side hug way.


"Yes Paige."

"Do you ever think about how our lives would of been like with Mackenzie."

"Sometimes, when I see parents and there kids I think back and wonder where everything went wrong and what would my life be like with the two of you in it, but I don't think about it all the time." I responded


Brooklyn p.o.v.

After the whole Paige and Dean incident and my breakdown in the alley me and everyone else went to Romans hotel room and sat in the dinning area since Seth and I couldn't bare to see Paige and Dean.

"I just don't understand, back in the shield days he told us about his past, but never ever brought this up." Roman stated out of the blue

"Maybe there's something we're missing to this story that will give us answer to everyone's questions." Becky said

She did have a point. If they have a child together why wouldn't they just tell us. It's not like we would be mad at them. There just something that doesn't add up to the story.

"I have an idea!" Randy yelled scaring everyone shitless. "We may not of gotten the files back, but I remember from when I was in the Authority, they always had extra copies of everyone's files in case something happened, and they know everything about everyone's past. So we can go into there office and ask them to tell us the really story, and if they don't we just sneak into there office when there gone and just get the extra files and find out the story ourselves."

Randy is a genius. I know I may sound like a horrible girlfriend by going behind Deans back, but if he won't tell me than this this is the only way.

"I think I can speak for everyone when I say where in, but Seth, Brooklyn, you guys are there partners so it's up to you if you want to go through with this." Sasha said

Me and Seth looked at each other for an answer then looked back at everyone. After a minute or two of debating with myself and Seth already saying he's in I final found my answer.

"I'm in."

Hope you guys liked this chapter. Sorry for the long wait, and thank you for reading this book.- Abby

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