Character Sheet: Kailas Patel

Start from the beginning

Mental health » PTSD that can sometimes keep him from leaving his room, rather severe insomnia and nightmares, anxiety, depression

Medical history » several documented cases of hospital visits (badly sprained joints, glass stuck in hands/face/arms, bruising, broken bones, etc). The true cause for these visits were never documented, and are thought of as "accidental", but all injuries were caused by his father's abuse. Beyond that, Kailas never gets sick very often.


General outfit » blue jeans, combat boots, white or gray tshirt, army green jacket/coat.

Alternative outfit » none

Jewelry » simple necklace, looks kind of cheap (probably homemade by Demi when they were kids tbh)

Glasses/Contacts » none

Piercings » both ears are pierced three times, mainly studs.

Weapons/Equipment » has a quite beautiful handgun that he rarely uses and mainly carries for show, and for emergencies. Gift from Jayden.

Extra accessories » none


Accent » 'Murican

Primary(first) Language » English

Languages Spoken » English, formerly Hindi (no longer fluent, though he knows some words)


Fears » Guns, the sound of a gunshot, yelling, screaming, loud noises in general, people coming at him when they're angry, older men around his father's age terrify him, getting hit or punched is more terrifying to him than someone shooting at him with a gun, waking up without Demi (he has a panic attack), constantly afraid of losing Demi again. 

Dreams » finding out what happened to his mother, ending the war, enacting strict gun control, taking a vacation to India with Demi.

Triggers » loud and jarring noises, men in positions of power or strength yelling at him, yelling in general, gunshots, his scars hurting

Likes » Demi (of course), hot tea, chocolate and strawberry crepes (HAS to be Nutella chocolate), Demi massaging the tight scarring on his chest, warm showers (usually with Demi), cuddling against Demi in bed and falling asleep in his arms, lying his head against Demi's chest to hear his heart, spending time with his closest friends.

Dislikes » People looking down on or threatening Demi, or any of his friends, people threatening his people in the rebellion at all, being alone for too long with his thoughts (they can be damaging), holding/handling guns, hurting people, even if they're dangerous, he just can't bring himself to do it.

Habits » unconsciously rubs at the scar on his chest and face, chews his bottom lip a lot

Hobbies » reading

Good traits » loyal, passionate, protective, detail oriented, focuses on the good of the group and not just a single man/woman, kind, gentle, patient, intelligent, humble.

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