Chapter 40 : Giving Blood

Start from the beginning

"I agree let's go ammigo's"Catherine replied kissing Dru, grabbing his hand and walking out the kitchen with him.

So cute I have to admit.Ash put his arm around me and we walked to the front door put our shoes on and headed out the door to go to the hospital.

*Catherine's POV*

I woke up at like quarter to 12.Christ that is early! I really couldn't be bothered to have a shower, meh I will have one tonight.I got dressed into some black and white checkered jeans with safety pins attached to them, my green TMB top that Chloe got me and my black hoodie I randomly had.I straightened my hair and put on my eueliner and went downstairs where I saw Dru on Halo 4 trying to complete campaign.The ending is so sad I cried.I walked up to Dru and sat on his lap and kissed him.We properly snogged it was great.Then I pulled back after a few minutes and got uo and walked to the kitchen where Paige amd Ash were snogging.

"Get a fucking room christ, I need to wash my eyes"I exclaimed laughingslightly.I don't know hy I said that considering me and Dru were practically doing the same thing literally a few minutes ago.I looked at Paige and we both burst out laughing.I think Dru came i a few moments later.

"Urrrmmm..."He said slightly confused.

"I don't even know..."Ash replied.

"Neither do we"I said.

A few minutes later me and Paige finally calmed down.

"What time is it?"Dru asked.

"Urrmm 11:50am"Paige replied looking at her watch.

"We should go to the hospital Stef is giving blood in ten minutes"Dru suggested.

"I agree let's go ammigo's" I almost shouted kissing Dru then grabbing his hand walking out the kitchen to go and put my shoes on.I put my black creepers on and Dru put on some vans and we waited for Paige and Ash to come and get ready.They were ready a few minutes later.We all walked out the door I was holding hands with Dru an Ash had his arm around Paige.We walked to Ash's car and got in and Ash drove us to the hospital.

We got there in time for when Stef was about to leave for giving blood.

We walked into the room as Stef was leaving.

"Hi guys, see you in a bit.Got to go and give some blood"Stef said walking off down the hall.

"Hiyaa Chloe-tron"I said walking over to Chloe to give her a hug.I swear she had lost quite a bit of weight,like dropped 3 or 4 sizes already.

"Helloo Cat,Hi guys"She replied sounding tired.

We all asked how she was and is there was anything else to be updated on.She is alright but she is constantly tired and every now and then gets pains in her stomach.Awh.I sat on Dru's lap on a chair at the end of Chloe's bed.

*Dru's POV*

We got back to our house an I took Catherine up to my room and put her in my bed, I took off my clothes and got in next to her.I wrapped my arms around her waist from behind her amd soon fell asleep.

I woke up about 11:15.I got up, not waking up Catherine.I had a shower and got changed into a white t-shirt and a black hoodie with some blue jeans and a black and green snapback.I went downstairs to where Ash was sat at the breakfast bar with an empty bowl of cereal.

"Morning Ash"I greeted.

"Morning"He replied.

"I take it Catherine is still asleep"Ash said.

"Yeah, sound asleep is Paige still asleep too?"I asked.

"Yeah she is"He told me.

We just sat around in the kitchen, well Ash sat at the breakfast bar, I sat on the kitchen side, and talked for a bit waitin for the girls to wake up.

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