The Ice Tamers, Sora And Keira

Start from the beginning

"By the way, where is Sora? I haven't seen him since we got here."

"I don't know, last time I saw him he was heading to Starlight hill."

That was when I realised where he was, I smiled a little and I spoke up.

"I think I know where he might be."

I stood up and I took a bag of chocolate chip cookies and I left the guild hall.


We watched Keira leave the guild hall and I then asked the others.

"Where is she going?"

Azusa looked at me and said to me.

"She's heading to Zara's grave, Starry hill was Keira and Zara's favourite spot to hang out and train together when Keira was younger."

My eyes widen at this and Byakuya nodded his head in agreement.

"It's true, Sora was also taught by Zara as well, she was a kind and caring person back then."

Byakuya looked at Zara's picture along with the year when she was born and killed. I then asked him.

"Can I ask how she died?"

Byakuya went silent for a moment and the Azusa spoke up.

"Zara sacrificed herself to protect the village, from what I've heard from Keira, Zara used one of her ice spells but the one she used was an Iced seal but..."

Vincent then cut in.

"That spell is a forbidden and it shouldn't be used to casually, that spell is what killed Zara."

I was shocked at this and Byakuya then spoke up.

"It's true, I know Keira and Sora have been trained to use Ice magic but knowing those two they won't use that same spell, after all, it's forbidden and it shouldn't be used again."

I thought to myself after Byakuya said that.

'No way...Keira must have had it hard when she was little.'


I walked over to Starry hill and I spotted Sora kneeling down at Mother's grave. I walked over to him and I knelt down next to him.

"Hard to believe it's been eight years since that fateful day when Ignitus came to our village, I'll never forget how I came running over to you and our master's side only when I got there she was already lying there on the ground as that dragon stayed frozen."

I placed my hand on Sora's shoulder.

"I know I remember all too well what happened, you're forgetting that I was the one who saw what happened to her when she used that spell."

"And I blamed you for her death, Keira, I only attacked you and went after Hakko because I wanted to get payback for what happened and I also wanted to become strong just like our master but it would seem I was wrong to do that, I'll admit that I was wrong, truth is, it wasn't just me who wanted Frostguard, it was Ivan, he also wanted Frostguard as well."

I was surprised at this and I said,"Why did my old man want Frostguard? why does he want to use its powers?"

Sora shrugged his shoulders and he said to me.

"I don't know, all I know is that he's up to something and I'm going to make sure to put an end to his plans."

"You know that's the most responsible thing I've heard from your mouth in years Sora, if mum were here she would be glad that you're starting to turn back into your old self."

Sora looked at me and he smiled a little.

"True, however, I have to make up for my mistakes that I've made, it's not just for the guild, it's also for the people I've hurt in the past, did you know that Byakuya actually got me of all people, to enrol in the Academy?"

"EHHH?!! You're joking, right?"

I said in a shocked tone. Sora chuckled and he said to me.

"Nope, Byakuya had to drag my butt to the Headmaster's office and he said that I have to enrol there so that I head back to basics, honestly, he thinks I'm still a kid."

"I know you'll end up hating the idea, but, I think you'll like it there and the people are nice and you'll see some familiar faces as well but try and be on your best behaviour."

Sora frowned and he looked away from me in a huff.

"Whatever, it's not like asked for this to happen to me."

I giggled at his comment and we then looked at Mother's grave again and Sora then said to me.

"But you're right about one thing, Master Zara would have agreed with my choice of taking responsibility for once."

I smiled at his comment.

"I know."

I raised my right hand and Sora raised his left hand and we both placed our hands together and we both closed our eyes. We concentrated our ice magic and we pulled our hands away from each other and an ice butterfly came out of the palm of our hands.

The ice butterfly flapped its wings and it then landed on top of Mother's grave. Sora and I smiled at it and we both sent a prayer to Mother before leaving her grave. Just as we were leaving, we both felt someone pressing each of their hands on our backs and they gave us an encouraging push. Sora and I looked at each other and we looked over our shoulders and no one was there but we both knew who it was. Sora and I smiled and both head back to the guild.


As Keira and Sora headed back to the guild, the ice butterfly flapped its wings as it hovered in mid-air. The ice butterfly flew around a soul and this person was Zara. She stood by her grave and she smiled at Sora and Keira.

"I'm proud of you both, thank you for letting me know about how they were doing, Tsukasa." Zara said as Tsukasa stood next to her and he smiled at her.

"You're welcome, Lady Zara."

Zara and Tsukasa both faded away and they both turned into their butterfly forms and they flew into the afternoon sky and back into the heavens.


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