Chapter 1: The Sound

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Before you begin, take note of these:
(S/SP)=Shorts or Sweatpants
(F/S)=Favorite Song
(F/F)=Favorite Food
(Y/F)=Your Father's Name
(F/G)=Favorite Game
(IC/F)=Ice Cream Flavor

Your father was waiting for you outside. You opened the door hopping inside then closing it. You ate your snack, the two of you talked about school.

He opened the door of the house. You walked in followed by your father. Your mother smiles caringly at seeing you.

"Do you need any help (Y/N)?"

"Umm, can I ask you something?"

She nodded, wanting to listen.

"Can I go out with my friends to the park after school tomorrow?"


If you chose (A.-Your mother allows you.)

Your mother smiled answering "Sure, just be careful and don't be late (Y/N)."

You hugged her tightly feeling grateful that she allowed you to come and hangout with your friends after school at the park. She hugged you back.

Mamoru opened the door then closed it, he had just arrived from work. He yawned and stretched feeling tired from all the work that he did at the office.

You pulled away from your mother seeing that your brother was there. He came to you and ruffled your hair.

"Hello, Imouto~!"


"Dinner will be served at 7:30pm." she announced.

Mamoru went upstairs to his room carrying his navy blue backpack with him. You went along with him upstairs. Finally, you made it to your sweet room dropping your (f/c) backpack on the floor next to your bed.

A plain white t-shirt and (f/c) (s/sp) peeked your interest. You immediately changed into your more comfortable clothes.

The soft mattress and fluffy pillows hit your back as you snuggled deeper into your bed. You plugged your earphones in your ears, opening your cellphone.

(F/S) came into your mind. You opened your music list, selecting the song that you downloaded online for free. The sound made your heart feel ecstatic, you couldn't help but to sing along to this amazing song that you were listening to.

The next thing that you did was that you texted Mai. She had given her phone number to you when you asked her for it. You knew that the two of you became easily friends from that day.

You: Hey gurrl, Guess what? I'm going with you guys tomorrow at the park after school.

Mai: Yay! It will be fun, I promise that. :)


Mai: We were thinking of buying ice cream there and you know, we could wander around and chat if you like.


You: Sounds cool, can't wait. Talk to you later, I got to go. Bye. :)


Mai: Bye.

You went to the dining room where everyone was already seated and eating dinner. (Y/M) cooked your (F/F). Your mouth watered hungrily at the sight of it. She gave you the rice bowl beside her.

Hungry Eyes (Yandere! M.Cannibal x SenseiFemReader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα