Give 'em Hell, Kid.

312 14 14

Inspired by; tbh i don't even know

Black Parade!Black hair!Gee Revenge!Grunge!Frank

Gerard slid easily through the people in the cafeteria, he shoved and moved some men out of his way to see the television, listening intently on the story on the news. He squinted and focused on the screen. As the reporter went on about the story, a slow smile crept onto his face and he slowly turned to the guards standing in the doorway.

"I don't think I'll be here much longer," He smirked, his tone was like venom, and they noticeably gulped. Then it's when he heard it, a big bang coming from the other side of the prison, a few of the guards left then, tending to the mess. But Gerard knew what that was, it was just a distraction. Suddenly, there was frantic talking on every guards belt, and most of them went to turn it off, until they said his name.

The name everyone had feared, they had said his name, and Gerard's too. The guards pulled out their guns, aiming at the prisoners in the white uniforms. They yelled to them to get to their cells, even though some complained that it was still lunch time.

Gerard didn't move a muscle, he stayed there, and that's what they wanted him to do. He put his hands up and gave them a wild stare, full of life and excitement. Gerard went to sit down on the plastic chairs when they heard the shots, the loud piercing gun shots that Gerard had knew oh so well. He smiled and crossed his legs, taking a swig of his juice. He was calm, calmer than everyone in the room.

He heard some voices and listened in, he heard Frank's famous laugh come from the west hall, and they all turned their guns towards that area, and then he laughed all the way opposite of west and then they turned sharply then, it was amusing to watch. Fear, in general was amusing to watch. All of the guards eyes' were blazed with something Gee couldn't quite catch but the one thing that was clear was fear. But it didn't matter anymore, he was getting out.

Frank and Gerard were the most wanted hitman on earth, and when they finally had somehow caught Gee, you bet your ass they were scared. Frank was Gerard's partner in crime, his only lover, his everything. And Frank usually gets grumpy when he doesn't get to tell his baby about everything that he did that day, so I guess he was fed up.

The police, feds, FbI, or whatever else the fuckers are named, expected this to happen but not this early. Gerard had only been in this prison for three days, but this prison was one of the most notorious prisons there ever was, he had met the famous Charles Manson in here, and got a good lesson on how to keep hidden. Along with a lot of other things that is supposed to never be spoken of, but of course, he'd let Frank in on the big secret.

Suddenly, it had went silent, except for Gerard's obnoxious humming, and the guards shook in fear at the tune. It was the tune he had always sung to frankie, and he had always left a little voice recording of him humming that exact tune on their hits. It would have absolutely no prints, or anything, just a tape that had the tune, and the fact that Gerard was singing it as he was chewing on some bread was a little scary. Gerard knew Frank could hear it, and he slowly glanced up at the camera and winked before throwing himself at one of the guards,

Gerard tackled him and punched the lights out of him, and he kicked and spun to make every one of their guns drop, it was only four, he could take four. When he was strangling one, he saw the other get up and pull their gun back, Gee smiled wide and put the man he was strangling in front of him, like a hostage of some sort. And suddenly a mission to break some people out of prison turned into a murder case as Gerard took the gun from the Man's belt and shot at everyone.

He opened the doors and saw some bodies in the hall, two or three at least. He walked back to his cell to grab some things. He needed some clothes, since this jumpsuit did not go with his hair, he shuffled out of the white garments and slid a box from under his cot, and pulled on some black skinny jeans and a black plain t-shirt, with a tight leather jacket. He pulled on some gloves that had skeleton fingers on 'em and grabbed all of his shit, stuffing everything into the bag that Jeremy had given him.

As he was putting shit in it, he found his dark red and black eyeliner that he thought he had lost, some of the prisoners didn't particularly like that fact that he wore makeup but Gerard had taken care of them, they weren't a problem anymore.

Gerard rimmed his eyes with it, loving the way it brought out his eyes, his confidence was through the roof. He wanted to look good for his lover, it was the only thing that mattered to him. He grabbed the bag and swung it around as he walked, whistling the tune, hearing the occasional gun shots come from the outside. He heard a couple of footsteps behind him, but he knew who they were, they were getting out too.

Patrick and Ryan stood behind me, following my lead. We headed back into the cafeteria, cautiously waiting for something to happen. Gee bent down, to one of the unconscious guards and went into their pockets, grabbing some keys and a full pack of gum, probably to repay a prisoner, and he opened it, handing one to each of them.

Gerard's View)

"Why thank you," Patrick purred and I smirked. Ryan nodded too, smiling as well.

"You ready, boys?" I asked them, and they slowly nodded in response. Suddenly another bang rang through the building and the door in front of them busted down, revealing three of Frankie's men. I smiled at them, finally happy to be able to see 'em once more. They nodded once at me and turned the other way, one of the boys handed me a slip of coordinates. And I looked at it, confused.

"Where is Frank and the others?" I asked, kind of panicking. If he isn't coming, neither am I.

"He's handling business downstairs with the police, it would be best if you three would go there too." I calmed myself then, and went down the steps, clanking my shoes against the tiles. I came in contact with someone as soon as we headed down the last flight of steps.

"Pete?" Patrick called, he looked up and smiled at him and grabbed Patrick's hands, I felt a pang of jealousy flow through me. Where was my baby? I wanted him to look at me like that again. . .

I huffed and followed him down the rest of the stairs, Then Brendon appeared, hugging Ryan, reuniting. My eyes darkened, I needed him by my side. We finally went towards the entrance and I saw his back facing us as he was holding a hostage. I smiled then and speed walked out of the door, I smiled when I saw him, he turned to look at me with scared eyes then all of sudden it melted and it was filled with love and absolute awe. I had always loved the way Frank looked at me.

Frank looked at me like I was the most beautiful thing he ever laid his icy eyes on, and so much more. He took a hold of my hand and squeezed it. The police in front of us hollered at us to throw our hands up, then I realized something. Before Frank saw me, I saw something that I never had before.


I looked around then, seeing that we were surrounded, and that they all had guns pointed at us, I felt like if we moved an inch, they'd shoot.

Oh fuck.



I love the people commenting, you make me smile thx bbs <3


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