Life is Too Short for so much Sorrow

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 I love that picture of gee





"Wake up, you fucking potato!" A voice echoed through my dream and jumped wildly on the bed, I whined in response to this, clearly indicating I wasn't willing to get up just yet. My depression was weighing me down this morning.

"Come on Frankie, it's your birthday for crying out loud, I made you some pancakes and . . . other stuff too." He sang this while straddling my waist. I had the pillow over my head and my pants were scrunched to the top of my thigh.

"Fine, fine. I'm up." I huffed against the pillow and there was just a small moment of silence and I was already dozing off again. I woke again when I felt Gerard leave my lap and sighed, rolling over, watching him waltz to the window.

"You wouldn't!" I yelled as I realized what that smug look on his face meant.

"I would." He smirked and pulled the shades completely open. I practically screeched while covering my eyes.

"I'm melting! What have you done?!" I dramatically yelled and he laughed pulling me up from the bed forcibly.

"Onwards! To the kitchen!" He yelled and I smiled at him, undeniably taking in his positive vibes. My nose instantly flushed with the scent of chocolate chip pancakes once I entered the kitchen, definitely my favorite. I sat in my chair, admiring the food that was set out to eat.

"Are more people coming?" I asked when looking at the assortments to choose from and he smirked.

"Nope, this is all for you, baby." He said, sipping quietly at his black coffee.

"Well in that case," I said, picking up my fork and smashing it into the pancake, cutting it and taking a giant bite. And. Oh. My. Fuck. Pancakes never disappoint.

"Glad you're enjoying it, hun." He was smirking watching me eat, "I'm going to be in the shower, and after you're done, we're going to Ray's for the party, so you're next."

"Damn already? Well, what time is it?" I asked, slightly panicking when I realized I'll have to prepare myself for social gatherings.

"4:30, why?" He asked, peeking his head around the banister.

"Why did you let me sleep in?" I whined and he gave me an 'are you serious' look.

"It's your birthday, Frankie. You should always expect good things." The sentence came out in a tone that made me feel a bit stupid. What he said kinda struck a nerve, making me swallow hard. He ran up the steps, stripping all the way to the bathroom.

I finished my meal by the time I heard the shower running, I got up and disposed of my plate, and walked back up to my room. Thinking way too hard for my liking. It was making a migraine form behind my eyes. I always hated my birthday, but Gerard didn't really know that. This particular one though . . . I had been planning to do whatever I needed to in order to escape from this eternal hell. I had to keep this to myself for a very long time because how the fuck do you explain to someone that you were planning on dying on the day that you were born. I tried coming to terms with what I was thinking. I'll admit, it was completely stupid because I should be more than happy with the only person who ever really saw me, raw and all. But how could I be happy when all I've ever wanted was to fucking off myself. Yet, this is was the day that should be celebrated. 

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