Thank God For Rain

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Also slight smut warning)

Gerard's P. O. V.

I walked out of Walmart flustered. Carrying four bags in each hand, and without a car I was unfortunately walking home, which in reality was like 10 minutes away. So it won't be that bad, right?

As if the gods were personally listening in on my thoughts, something does happen. I end up hearing a thunder clap above me and it starts to rain. Really hard.

"You got to be fucking kidding me." I said to myself. I shuffled forward, trying so desperately not to slip in my combat boots. I didn't even have a jacket with me. Considering I'm a major slut for my jackets it surprised me that I thought today I didnt even need because, 'No! its a nice day!'

"Hey! Do you need any help?" A husky voice behind me yelled. I immediately tried to walk faster, thinking that this was it, I'm gonna be murdered and chopped up into tiny pieces if I acknowledge him.

"Um. . . no, I'm okay. Thank you though." I smiled as the man came into my view. He didn't exactly give off the feel of an axe murderer but those are the people I need to watch out for the most. He had shoulder length black hair that stood up a little even in this weather. His lip ring was shining in the rain and His smile dazzled me.

"No, no. I insist." He said, grabbing two bags from me. He lightly touched my hand with his pinky as he did so and it felt weird. My stomach did a little flip and I broke into a grin.

"Thank you, I really appreciate it. My house is a few blocks away." I smiled

"Okay and its no problem. I like helping people." He said and it kind of got to me. He likes helping other people not just me. I actually got my hopes a little too high.

"Need more people like you." I giggled and started walking. I realized what I said sounded a little old for my age but I'm 32 with firetruck hair in skinny jeans, who am I to tell myself I sound old.

"I never got your name." He said and I chuckled.

"You didn't ask. Its Gerard." I said

"Wow, thats really different. But a good different. Not a b-bad different. You're really pretty, I mean your name is really pretty. But you're pretty though too-oh goodness." He rambled and I giggled.

"Thank you. You're not bad yourself.."
"Frank. And thanks." He laughed, nervously.

When the house was coming into view, I stopped and pointed to my house with a small smile. He nodded.

"So are you into any hobbies?" He randomly asks.

"I draw alot. I sing a little too. But not much. You?"

"I play guitar and I sing too. I'm not that good at singing though."

"I'm sure you're wonderful at anything you do." I blushed

"Would you mind singing for me?"

"That was random." I laughed a few steps from my house.

"I know but you got me interested." He said

"Only if you play for me me." I smiled

"Deal." I now had noticed that he had a guitar case on his back.

"I just noticed that." I laughed, pointing to his case.

I put the bags down when we got to the door and patted my butt for my keys. I felt him staring at it and I smirked, bending down a little for the doorknob to get to my level.

"Would you mind coming in?" I asked him and he nodded, trying not to stare.

"I can help you put them away." He whispered

"You okay there, frankie?" I laughed

"Yea..just a little um..nevermind." he breathed and I let him in. I now noticed that my house was a little dark. Like in Goth terms.

"Just set them on the counter." I said and then we started to put the groceries away. Once we were almost finished he kept making noises. Like grunts of frustration.

"Gerard?"He asked as I turned around, cocking an eyebrow up.

"Yes, sugar?" I smiled

"Can I-Can I....Fuck. Wait not Fuck just.." he rambled once again and I put my hand on my hip.

"What is it, frankie?" I sung and he grunted again. Then he looked at me intensely.

"Fuck it." He said and grabbed my face and pushed our lips together. I moved my lips against his, then his hands trailed down my back slowly and his hands rested on my butt and squeezed harshly which made me jump up and gasp. He shoved his tongue in my mouth when I gasped. He lifted my thigh and I wrapped it around his waist. I moaned on his tongue and he pulled away, surprised at my sudden noise.

"I take it you like it." He smiled. I smirked and grabbed his hands walking towards the couch and I pushed him on his back with me straddling him. I kissed him again but instead of just lips, I immediately pushed my tongue in his mouth, exploring it eagerly. I started to grind on his semi-hard erection and he surprised me by bucking his hips up.
I stopped before it got too heated and smirked.

"Well, Well, didn't we have a little too much fun." I laughed and he whined.

"You can't just leave me like this!" He groaned.

"Maybe I'll take care of it later." I said and he got up and wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in once again.

"I'd like that." He whispered

"I bet you would mister." I smiled and poked his nose which made him giggle.

Thank god for rain.

"Can I get your number, Sugar?" I said and he nodded


He laughed at my contact name and I did the same with his


"You're adorable." I giggled

Sorry if I scared you. Kinda got lazy with this one.

Stay beautiful, Bitches

Stay handsome, Assholes.

Update: this is my only oneshot that i truly love.

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