Don't leave me alone with him; pt2

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I live for crimelord!frank you have no idea

"Thank you, so fucking much." I breathed, and he looked at me for a moment and sighed, pulling into the driveway of his own house. I looked at it, my eyes landing on the tiny little spots that he could've put weapons at, easily, I made a plan in my head.

I couldn't let Mike get away with that. This particular beating just made me realize that he has no purpose whatsoever in this world but ruin his own life, and others as well. So what is he doing here? The question ran through my head a couple times, what was he doing here? What could he possibly do to make a difference? But, I am no god, I don't get to choose who gets to die or not, I don't have the right.

But, I wanted to do something. Anything, that could just get rid of him in general. I looked to Frank, and he was watching me closely, like he was observing what I was observing. A small smirk was plastered on his face as he looked where I was looking.

"Your smart, you know that?" I was still trying to think of how to do this.

"What do you mean? If I was smart I would have already fucking snapped his neck the first time he hit me." I blurted, and my hand flew to my mouth in shock and I was expecting Frank to be horrified but instead, I heard bellowed laugh echo through the whole car.

"You want to be trained?" He asked me, my eyes widened

"What?" I asked in disbelief,

"Come on, I'll show you." He leaned over me, pulling the car door open, and opening his as well.

"Uh wait, don't you need a professional to do this?" I asked, still kind of cautious, but I was up for it.

"I am a 'professional'. I'm in the mafia, dork. What do you expect?" He laughed, I shrugged and followed him in the house.

"Are we doing this here?" I asked, he giggled again.

"And have the neighbors call the cops and get us both arrested? No, actually, we have our own personal station that is about an hour away. But, of course we have to bring our own firearm, because I like to make people stare," He smiled. A part of me wanted people to stare too, Mike has never let me even wear shorts if they weren't below the knee, and if I did, he'd personally throw all of my clothes away and buy what he liked.

"I'm not used to this," I sighed, he looked over at me, searching for some keys in his pocket.

"Used to what?" My breath hitched for a second. What was he doing that I wasn't used to.

"Well for one, you talk to me like I'm an actual person, and not some pet." I said and his face twisted in anger.

"God I should kill 'em myself." My head snapped up,

"No!" He looked to me quickly, confused. "I want to. . ." I whispered and his face pulled into a wide grin. I felt extremely dramatic, it was something that I didn't know I was capable of even thinking, but pain changes people, for the good. . . and for the bad.

"Well, well, well, never thought you'd be the violent type. But first, sweetheart, you're gonna have to learn some old tricks from the best there is." I smiled at him,

"Mhm, and who could that be?" I asked and he scoffed playfully,

"Me, duh." He said and I laughed. He flicked on some lights and went to the spots where I had suspected. He went to each one grabbing a weapon, most of them were knives, machetes, and shit. But then he went to the back of the house, he grabbed my hand and pulled me along, opening a set of cabinets with a black shiny key, when he opened it, I couldn't help but let out a tiny gasp.

"Holy fuck," I said, I was about to trace my hand over one of the guns but he grabbed my wrist tightly.

"Ah ah ah, you touch it, you use it, and I'm pretty sure you don't want to use a machine gun for your first lesson." I nodded at that,

"So what do you think I should use?"

"Lets just start out with a regular old pistol, maybe even a semi-automatic." He smiled, and I did too. He picked up a gun that was white on the handle, he flicked the safety on and held it up.

"This right here is my baby, 22 caliber white, Wanna try?" He put it up to me like it was a gift or something.

"Uh yeah, sure." I picked it up from his fingers, his touch making me shiver.

"Surprisingly light, right? Its great," He says, nonchalantly. I've seen a lot of action movies to know how to aim it, but I don't think I could get it completely right.


"Okay, spread you legs a little, relax your shoulders, don't think to much on the sound of it, just aim, and fire. It'll pull you back a bit but that's okay." I listened to every word he said. We were at the shooting range, which was a bit emptier than I expected but all the more fun for me,

"Okay, alright, I got this." I lifted the gun, supporting the bottom a bit, finger on the trigger and I fired. He was right it did pull me back a bit, but the sound was muffled by our ear muff thingy's, I forgot what they were called, Frankie told me when we got in though.

"Good! Now, again! But watch me okay?" He said, I put the ear muffs back on and watched how his body tensed up but seemed extremely relaxed, I leaned on the wall, avoiding leaning on my ribs, it still hurt real bad but I could take it. I've had worse,

He aimed it at the paper 'person' and aimed, "Head," He grunted, "Chest." He reloaded, "Left leg," I couldn't help but get a little flustered, "Right leg," He was hot as hell doing this, but I shook the thought completely. He was just a friend, but . . . a really close friend.

"Wanna try again?" He asked, I nodded and he pulled me up. I wanted to try something with him, after all, he did invite me to be his mistress at his annual gathering.

"Um, Frank?" He looked over at me.

"I'm having trouble aiming, could you maybe help?" His eyes lit up like a kid who just got the best present ever, it was kind of adorable to see.

"Y-yeah, yeah. Um, lift your arm, and then- oh no, here hun, Okay." We fumbled together and he stood behind me, really close. His hand was on the left side of my waist, and his other trying to help my arms raise a bit. He was wearing tight pants and I could feel him on my hip which made me want to be a bit of a tease.

"Okay yeah," But then I moved a bit, on purpose and 'accidentally' moved my butt against his groin. His eyes widened and my eyes became a bit apologetic, but still teasing. He didn't move surprisingly, and still held me at the hip, but squeezing it a bit more tighter. So I tried again, but a bit harder this time, I basically wiggled against him, but it was so innocent to anyone who would've seen it.

"Jesus christ, you're doing that on purpose aren't you?" He wheezed, a little out of breath.

"I'm sorry-" Before I could say anything he slowly took the gun away from me, switched the safety back on and set it down on the table, his eyes not leaving mine, he gripped my hip tightly now, and tugged me closer to him.

"What do we have here?" He asked me, I smirked and he did the same.


Part 3 will be up soon,

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