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Third Person's P. O. V.

   Frank sat there at his desk looking at the computer screen with dread filling his stomach. His family were expecting him to be at the annual dinner party tomorow night and his mother contacted him through facebook. Of course she would do that. His mother didn't want to have an argument over something dumb as coming to a family party, but Frank had a meaningful reason I would guess, he didn't want his family nor his ex-boyfriend to know how fucked up he had become from the breakup.

   His stomach grumbled loudly and he ignored it intentionally, he didn't want food. Honestly his appetite for food had gone completely but his stomach ached to be fed.
He got up from his fetal position in the chair. Frank was physically and emotionally drained from his and Gerard's breakup. But that was expected, but He didn't take it well at all, he turned to drinking and that seemed to drown out everything, but then drinking became smoking weed, which threw another option to bring coke in the mix, first snorting it, then learning how to shoot it up. Then that specific choice turned to even trying heroin. And shamefully, once he took that first hit, He felt as if his body had entered literal heaven, like he was on a bed of clouds that could take him anywhere and everywhere. Unfortunately, He was very good at masking his emotions, and when he actually talks about his issues, which he never does anymore, its best to simply listen to him. He's become selectively mute when Gerard had left him. He felt as if his words were useless now that nobody gave a shit about them.

He opened the fridge, cringing at the sudden illumination of himself, repulsing at the sight of his reflection in the refrigerator door. . He just grabbed an apple and started to munch on it, but Frank lost interest pretty quickly as he threw it away. A shrill of a familiar sound came from his pocket. Nobody called him, I mean for fucks sake, he couldn't talk.

"Hello."A familiar voice said and Frank gasped inaudibly.

"G-Gerard?" Frank said as silent tears fell down his face. He was so pathetic.

"Holy shit . . . your mom said you don't talk." He breathed out, chuckling dryly.

"W-hy a-re you c-calling me?" Frank asked, desperately trying to hide his voice crack.

"Oh, your mom had said to come pick you up for the party and I know its tommorow but I thought. . . maybe we could. . . talk." Gerard hesitated.

"Uhm . . . okay" Frank said almost choking on his tears.

"Just tell me your address." He said and Frank automatically gave it to him, but his voice cracked loudly and he coughed loudly, fat tears running.

"Frankie, are you alright?" Gerard asked but Frank attempted to hang up and he thought he did but Gerard heard it all.

   Frank wailed at the old nick name. He let it all out as he dropped to the ground sobbing hysterically. He started to whine more. All Gerard could do was listen to Frank's heart clenching sobs as he drove to his house, every time a sob was heard he cringed. Then Frank just stopped. Silence was heard, until Frank's groan, he was doing something he knew was bad.

"Help me," He heard the echo of Franks voice through his phone. He panicked and started to drive faster. 20 mph more than the legal speed.

"Frank?!" He grabbed his phone and then he heard the sniffling again, but this time Frank was saying words and sentences that made Gerard's skin crawl.

"Let me die. Why can't I just die? I'm so pathetic, Gerard. Why can't I be like you? So beautiful and passionate and so so much better. " He whispered and Gerard was in tears.


"Frank?" Gerard asked as he opened the front door of the dull grey house.
He heard sobs from the kitchen and he followed the sounds.

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