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Rohan's POV

It was me, Veer and Sage's parents; Anshika wanted to come but since she was 6 months pregnant, they opted to stay back. I was so nervous during the whole journey from Mumbai to Assam. Questions were running through my mind.

What if Sage hates me? What if she doesn't want to talk to me? What if she doesn't want to see me anymore? What if she wants to break up with me?

I shook my head to clear these absurd thoughts. Due to the traffic, we missed two sets of Sage's match. But we were there to see her win. She was so happy when she won the match. It was evident through her smile which was on her lips lighting up her beautiful face. Even though she was covered in sweat, she was still beautiful.

"Let's go, Rohan."Veer snapped me from my internal monolog.

"Are we going to meet Sage?"I asked.

He nodded. "Yes." We left the cabin and went to Sage's room. On our way, we bumped into Pooja ma'am.

"Hey boys," she smiled.

"Hello, ma'am!" We greeted her back.

"How are you?"

"We are doing great. Thank you. We are actually on our way to meet Sage," Veer replied.

"She is getting fresh. You can't meet her until the prize ceremony is over." ma'am informed

"Oh!" I said in a low voice.

"That's okay we will meet her after that," Veer said and with that, we both left from there.

We all took our seats and soon the prize ceremony started. One by one all the prizes were given to the winners. Then the announcer announced Sage's name. And she walked up to the front.

The chief guest gave the medals to all of them. I was clapping and cheering when Sage's turn came. Suddenly, I don't know what happened Sage collapsed on the floor. And there was blood around here.

What the fuck is happening?

I got up from my place and ran to her, Veer behind me. I kneeled down next to her and saw that she was unconscious and blood was coming out of her head.

"Sage,"I called her but she didn't respond.

She can't leave me. No. She has to stay here, with me. I need her. I can't let her go.

Soon the medical team arrived there. They kept Sage's body on the stretcher and wheeled her out of the arena. Sage's dad got in the ambulance and it left.

"Rohan, come on, we have to go to the hospital."Veer placed his hand on my shoulder.

I nodded and dragged my feet into the cab. I glanced down at my trembling hands which were covered in Sage's blood, the image of her lifeless body came back in my mind. I closed my eyes and a tear slipped down.

"Please, Sage be okay," I whispered.

Once we arrived at the hospital I dashed out of the cab and ran inside.

"Sage merchant. Emergency case."

The receptionist looked startled.

"Fast!" I snapped.

"Excuse me," she looked down at her computer, "emergency room, fifth floor."

"Thank you," I said and ran towards the elevator. Veer and her mom were right behind me. Once we got in the lift, the lift man closed the door and we began to go up. On reaching the fifth floor I ran out almost tripping.

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