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The reception ended perfectly and after the reception, my sister and John went for their honeymoon. Since I don't have school today the duty of cleaning the house as in removing all the decorations, is on my poor little shoulder, thankfully Veer and Rohan are there to help me with it. Otherwise, it would have been so difficult for me to do it alone. 

"Sage, where should I keep them?" Veer asked showing me the basket of flowers.

"Keep them in the storeroom," I yelled. "Rohan please don't shake the chair I might fall." I was on the balcony with him removing the lights we used.

"Don't worry I'll catch you," he said. I turned to look at him but my foot slipped and I fell down and landed on my butt.

He is going to save me. Yeah right!

I looked at him and he was laughing like a retarded.

"Laugh, that's all you can do," I said.

"I am sorry," he said and calmed down for a while and then again started laughing.

I rolled my eyes and tried to get up but I fell down again because my ankle got twisted. And it was the same one which was far tired before.

"Shit," Rohan cursed under his breath realizing my position.

"Stop cursing you dumbass and help me," I said.

He held my hand and helped me to get up but my ankle is throbbing. He kept his hand behind me and with a swift moment I was up in the air in his arms. He carried me inside and lay me on my bed.

"What happened to her?" Veer asked entering the room.

"She fell from the chair and twisted her ankle," Rohan explained.

"Are you ok?" Veer rushed towards me. I nodded in response.

"Bullshit. She can't even stand properly." Rohan said.

"I am fine Veer don't worry about me. We still have to do a lot of work." I said trying to get up. But Veer pushed me down.

"You are going to stay here and guide us while we do the work," he said.

"But there is a lot of work to do," I argued.

"I have done most of it while you were 'removing the lights'," He said giving air quotes. I murmured a sorry while Rohan smacked his head.

"Get out," Rohan ordered. Veer raised his eyebrows but left eventually.

"Take care, and call me if you need anything," Rohan said while kissing my forehead. I sighed. Now, what am I going to do?

"Sage here keep this on your ankle it'll help." Veer said handing me the warm water bag. I thanked him and kept it on my ankle. I decided to play temple run on my phone to kill the time but soon I got bored. I played candy crush, subway surfers, minion rush, and many other games on my phone, I watched youtube videos too but eventually, I got bored. I sighed.

"Veer," I called he came into my room.

"What?" he asked.

"Can you switch on the fan please," I requested him, he raised his eyebrow.

"And you cannot do that because..."

"Because my personal doctor asked me to stay in bed," he shook his head and left the room but before leaving he completed my wish.

After five mins...

"Rohan," I called.

"Yes my lady?" he came in.

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