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"Get up girls. It's time to wake up."Someone shouted.

I groaned opening my eyes. I looked around and saw that I wasn't in my room anymore. Damn right!! I am here for SGFI.

"Get up lazy ass."Sara ma'am shouted in my ear.

"Ma'am."I whined causing her to laugh. I rolled my eyes but got up eventually.

I walked up to the bathroom and got freshen. It was pretty late when we arrived here, so we just walked up to our rooms and slept. Today all the registrations and official stuff will be done and then we'll get our schedules of our matches.

After I got ready me and Shreya (my school mate) went down to the area where breakfast was served. We both got into the line. After taking our food we went out to sit. The place was pretty much full with teachers and students.

"Sage..over here."I looked in the direction of the voice and saw Shekhar waving at me.

"Come on Shreya." I said to her and began to walk towards Shekhar.

Shekhar and I became good friends through out our ride to our hotel, where we all are staying. His room is just across mine. I am sharing room with other three girls including Shreya. The other two girls are so sweet. since there are only two beds in one room we agreed upon taking turns in sleeping on sofa. Though sofa is big enough to occupy two people but lets face it, it is not the preferable place to sleep, you might woke with a back pain next morning.

"Good morning."Shekhar greeted when we approached him.

"Morning."I smiled and took the seat beside him.

"Did you get the schedule?"he asked.

"Nope."I shook my head. "What about you?"

"I did." He nodded. "My escort teacher gave it to us this morning."

"When is your event?"

"At 11. I saw badminton timings also, it's after lunch. But I don't know whether today your match is there or not."

"Oh thank you. I'll ask my teacher about it after the breakfast."I said.

He nodded. He was about to say something when someone approached us.

"Hey Shekhar..."He stopped in between when he saw me and Shreya sitting with him.

"You were saying something."Shekhar said to him.

"...Yeah!! As I was saying, coach asked me gather everyone."

"Okay. I'll be there."Shekhar nodded.

"Cool."with that he turned to go. "By the way I am Karan."

"Sage." "Shreya." Me and her said simultaneously.

"Pretty name for pretty ladies."Karan smirked.

"Your corny lines won't work her here buddy."Shreya smiled sweetly.

"Burned!!"Shekhar laughed.

"One must try."Karan shrugged. "I have more lines."

"Dude no."Shekhar shook his head.

"You are mean."Karan pouted but eventually left from there.

"He's cool."I admitted.

"That's Karan for you."Shekhar chuckled.

"He reminds me of my best friends."I said.

"Well...Karan's kind of people are everywhere."

"True that."I agreed chuckling as well.

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