28 5 0

It's show time baby.

I glanced at my reflection in the mirror. Today is the finals for badminton. I have to do my best today. I have come this far, now I am just one step away from my win.

"Sage, hurry up."I heard Pooja ma'am's voice.

"Yes, ma'am,"I called back. Grabbing my back I left the hotel room.

"Are you ready for today?"

"Yes, ma'am."

She smiled at me. "That's my girl."

No time to back out now.


"Listen to me Sage, you have to win two matches to qualify for semifinals."Pooja ma'am informed. I nodded sipping water from my water bottle.

I glanced at the badminton court. People are really good here. I and Dina only got qualified for this match series.  My parents were really happy to hear about this. In fact, they are coming here for my finals.

Taking out my phone I called mom.

"Sage, how are you my dear?" she asked.

"I am Fine Amma. Just wanted to know when you guys are arriving here?" I asked here.

"Around 2 in the afternoon." she replied.

"From the airport, it will take another one hour that means you'll be here by 3pm."

"Genius."I could hear sarcasm in her voice.

"MOM!!"I whined. "Anyway. You better be here at that time because if I'll be qualified for final then you don't want to miss my match now do you?"

"Of course not sweety. We'll be there."

"Who all are coming by the way?"

"Oh!! I gotta go Sage will talk to you later." and with that she hung up.

What!! Is she okay??

I shrugged off any thoughts of her weird behaviour and concentrated on the match going on.


"Sage you parents have arrived."Pooja ma'am informed me.

"Where are they?"I asked.

"They are sitting with Shreya in the cabin." she informed.

I nodded looking at the cabin. But I couldn't see anything from down here.

"It's your turn. Show them what you have got." ma'am said patting my back. "No one should stop you from your goal, this is your last step." I picked up my racket at walked up to the court. This time my opponent was a boy. We shook eachother's hand and took our positions.

A match consist of three sets of 21 points. And this is our last set. The first set He won and the second set I did. And now this set will decide the winner. He won the toss and chooses to serve first.

I have to win this match no matter what. I have to make my parents proud. I have to make Anshika proud. I have to make Karam proud.

He always used to say. "Sage, I am proud of you." Though we were kids at that time, he was still proud of my little achievements. Like when I'll draw or more like scribble something, he'll pat my back and say that it's wonderful. For the first time when I learned to ride a tricycle he told me that he is proud of me and that no when can do what I did. But the truth is anyone can ride a tricycle easily.

Today I got a chance to make him proud which not everyone can do, and I don't want to lose that chance.

"20-18." the referee announced when I scored a point. I have only one more point to score.

I wiped the sweat from my face with the sleeve of my shirt and picked up the shuttle. Taking my position I glanced at my opponent. He clearly looked nervous. He needs 3 more point to win the game where as I need only 1.

I closed my eyes, "This one is for you Karam."I whispered and tossed the shuttle in the air.

We continue to play for I don't know how long. He wasn't giving me any opportunity to play shots. Either he'll give the shot near the net so that I lose the point or else he'll shoot a drop shot so that I have to pick it up which gives him the opportunity to attempt smash.

"Come on Sage."I heard Pooja ma'am's voice.

This time I played his trick and gave him the shot near net which he clearly wasn't expecting. He risked forward and tossed the shuttle high up in the air. I smirked.


I jumped up high.


And smashed the shuttle in his court with the full force. It was so fast the he couldn't lift the shuttle and missed the shot.


With the final wishtle match ended.

"Yes!!"I pumped my fist in the air celebrating my victory. We shook ous hands and left the court.

"Congratulations." ma'am smiled.

"Thank you so much ma'am."

"Go get fresh. The prize ceremony is in half hour." ma'am ordered.

"Aye aye captain."I grinned and left from there.

Our event was the last event. Rest of them were already finished. And today they will give away the prizes so that we can check out tomorrow. Once the ceremony will be over then I can finally meet my family.

With that thought I hopped on the shower. I scrubbed my body and shampoo my hair. Once I was done I closed the shower and came out of the bathroom. As soon as I stepped out  a wave of dizziness washed over me.

"Jesus!!"I muttered closing my eyes.

Once I was stable again I walked up to the cupboard and put my cloths on. I checked myslef in the mirror and nodded. I bend down to tie my shoes and when I got up again the same dizziness came back again.

What's happening to me?

I took my phone and left the room. I walked down the stairs onto the ceremony hall. A the winners were seated in there alotted seats.  I spotted Pooja ma'am on the other end of the row. I walked up to her and sat down on my seat.

The announcer began to call the names of the winner of different events. Team events as well as single events. I saw Karan and Shekhar in the winners as well. There ye bagged gold medal.

"Badminton under 19. Sage merchant gold medalist." I got up and suddenly my head started to spin.

"You okay?" ma'am asked. I nodded and walked up to the little platform. Then he called the names of silver and bonze medal holder. Then he gave the audience a lite introduction of the winners. By the time he ended his speech I was seating furiously.

"I request our cheif guest to give away the medals and certificates."

The chief guest arrived and began to give the medals and certificates staring from the bronze. When he reached me he gave me my medal and the my certificate. He extended his hand in my direction, I glanced down to his hand but couldn't lift mine.

Black spots began to appear in front of my eyes and the noise around me started to fade. I looked at his face he was saying something but I couldn't understand what. I blinked my eyes but nothing happened and before I could think of anything everything became black and the darkness consumed me


Hey guys.

It's so hot here in Mumbai. You can't stay a second with out fan. And if you'll go out you'll roast yourself.

Anyway that's not the point here. What all do you think of this chapter? I hope you all liked it.

Keep voting and reading.

Shafaque 😘💕

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