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I opened my eyes and looked out of the window. It was a bright sunny day, birds were chirping and flying from branch to branch, tree to tree. They look happy and they annoyed me. I sighed.

 There is still one week left.

I miss going to school. It is very boring sitting at home doing nothing, even though my friends live in the same building as mine, it still gets boring as they have to go to school during the day. I was showing sympathy to myself when my phone rang. Without looking at the caller ID I picked up the phone because only two people can call me at this time.

"Hey Sage," he chirped.

"Hi Veer," I said.

"How is my Thakur?"

"Like hell" he chuckled. "I swear, the doctors are mad. I can run, jump, dance but still he is like one month rest is a must."

"You'll survive Sage only one week is left." I sighed. "Ok listen me and Rohan are going to come today."

"Alright. I'll see you guys in the afternoon."

"Sure. Now bye and love you." He hung up.

I kept my phone back and walked towards the mirror. I glanced at my reflection, I was looking horrible. In the past two months, I clearly gained weight and now I have to lose weight.

Quickly I got fresh, changed into track pants and top, tied my hair into a pony, took my phone, and went out. Every morning I go out for a run. In no time there will be badminton selection for clusters and I have to go in there.

After running for an hour I went home. Mom was already up when I reached home.
Mom and dad, both are working people. Mom works in a private company that deals with clothing and my dad is in the Indian Air force. Like mine Veer's and Rohan's dad is also an air force officer. But their mothers are simple housewives.

"Sage breakfast," Mom called. Quickly I dried my hair and went down for the breakfast. Mom was already in her office uniform, at the age of thirty she is still very beautiful.

"Morning dad, morning mom," I greeted them and kissed mom's cheek.

"How is your ankle?" Dad asked.

"It is fine but still troubles me a bit," i said. He nodded and finished his breakfast.

"Its time honey, we should get going," mom said.

Dad looked at his watch and stood up. He kissed my forehead, took the car keys from the holder, and left, mom following him. After finishing my breakfast I went to my room and started to revise last week's things. Because I am pretty sure Rohan and Veer will ask me questions. When it comes to studies they are damn strict.

At 10:00 my doorbell rang, I went out and through the peeping hole i saw our maid. I opened the door and let her in. I was about to close the door when Mrs. Singh, Veer's mom appeared.

"Hello mommy," I greeted her.
Yeah! We all call each other parents mom and dad, but not Veer, he calls them uncle and aunty. And they love us like their own child. They always say that God has given us five children.

"Hello, Sage. How are you?"

"I am good. How are you and daddy?"

"Fine. How are your recovery and studies?"

"Going great. Veer and Rohan are helping me a lot."

"They are coming today at your place?"I nodded. "OK child take care." I smiled and she started to climb the stairs. She lives on the third floor, Rohan on the first and we live on the second floor.

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