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Short recap:- In the last chapter Rohan Sage Veer and Tammy went to elephanta caves for a final outing since they are going to go back to school. And Sage realises that she is on love with Rohan.

Enjoy reading.

"Sage..."I heard a faint voice and then felt something soft touching my lips. I opened my eyes and saw a pair of black eyes staring at me.

What a wonderful way to get up in the morning. No sarcasm there.

"Good morning sunshine."Rohan smiled.

"Good morning."I said stretching my limbs.

"Get up and fresh n up Tammy's sad is coming to pick her up."he said and kissed my forehead.

A yawn escape from my mouth. I got up and went to the bathroom. I did my morning routine . I came out of the bathroom and combed my hair.

Once done I left the room and went to the hall.

Tammy's bag was kept near the sofa and she was sitting on sofa with Veer beside him.

"Here."Rohan said and gave me my morning cup of coffee.

"Thank-you." I kissed his cheek. He smiled and touched his cheek were I planted the kiss. Both of us sat down and waited for Tammy's dad while i sipped my coffee.

Tammy's phone buzzed interrupting the silence. She picked up the phone and saw the text.

"My dad is here."she said after reading the text. She got up and hugged Rohan and then kissed Veer.

"I love you."Veer whispered. She looked at him and smiled. Her eyes were shining.

"I love you too."she replied. She picked up her bag and we both left.

Veer and Rohan are not coming to drop her because she told her dad that she is staying with me. Tammy's dad was on the other side of the road. When he saw us he got out of the car and crossed the road.

"Hey kiddo."he said.

"Hey dad."she replied.

"Did you enjoy your stay?"he asked. Tammy nodded in the response.

"Thank you uncle for letting Tammy stay." I said.

"No problem."he smiled. "When is your parents coming back?"

"Today. In the afternoon."I answered. He nodded. Tammy kept the bag on the backseat and got into the passenger seat. Uncle started the car and drove away. I waved at her until the car disappeared from my sight.


"Sage...how are you?"Mom asked.

"I am fine. How are you and dad?"

"We are good. Just tired."

"Hey honey."Dad said kissing my forehead. He dumped the bags on the floor and sat down and sat down on sofa. After they have cooled down a bit they left to there room.

After Tammy left we all cleaned our homes. Veer was so exhausted because he has never done this before.

Poor guy!!

After that we spent our day watching tv and waiting for our parents.

I yawned and went to my bedroom. As none of us was in condition to cook food we decided to go out for dinner. And before that I'd love to catch some sleep. Cleaning the house is so tiring.

After my beautiful nap I got fresh and began to get ready for dinner. I don't why I felt like putting some efforts in getting ready. Today is noting special. I have gone to plenty of dinner outs.

I put on my dress and applied a bit of makeup to look presentable.

I combed my hair and took out a pendent Which Rohan gave me last year on my birthday. After I was done I glanced at my reflection.

I look beautiful.

"Sage hurry up."mom called.

"Coming."I replied. Sliding in my sandals I left the room.

"Sage."Pranchal chirped as soon as I got down.

"Hey there kiddo."I said ruffling her hair.

"Hey! No messing with my hair. It took me half hour to set them."she cried.

"Wow...aren't you so smart."I commented.

"After all she is my sister."Rohan said.

"Unfortunately."Pranchal muttered. Making me and Veer burst out laughing.

"Excuse me." Rohan said looking offended.

"What? It is true. Sage and Veer is better than you." Pranchal rolled her eyes.

"Rohan are you sure you are not adopted?" I asked.

"Oh! Mom and dad picked him up from the bin." Pranchal said.

"Oh burned!!" veer laughed.

"Wasn't it suppose to be my dialogue?" Rohan wondered.

"Nobody gives a damn about you Rohan."Pranchal said.

"Rohan are you sure you are not adopted?"I asked again smirking.

"Three against one. Not fair."Rohan let out a cry.

"Come on kids. Let's get going."Veer's dad shouted.

"Let's go."veer said holding Pranchal's hand.

"You look beautiful sage." Rohan said once they were out of the hearing range.

"Thank you."I smiled. He stepped forward and kissed me real quick causing me to blush.


"You are blushing."he laughed.

"Shut up."I scolded him walking away. He was still laughing when he caught up with me.


We all got inside the cab and drove towards the restaurant. It took us  two hours to reach there because of the traffic. There is always traffic in Mumbai. Especially in night time. Thank God dad has already made reservations. Once we reaches the restaurant a waiter showed us to our table and left after giving us the menu.

Throughout the dinner our parents told us about trip. It was pretty amazing to listen to our parents talk about there friends. I bet they enjoyed a lot there with their friends. After all they were seeing them after such a long period of time. We also told them what all we did during the vacations. Mom was bit sad when she came to know that Anshi visited. But when we told them that she is pregnant. My mom became crazy and kept saying that she is going to be a granny. Apparently she doesn't know that my dear sister became pregnant before the marriage.

After dinner we went home. I have school tomorrow. Damn it. I don't wanna go!!

God please save me.


Hello people.

I haven't updated in a while. But what can I say I am very busy lately. My finals are coming up and I don't know a signal shit about physics and chemistry. These subjects are like alien language to me.

Anyway. Tell me what do you think of this chapter? Is it good?

You guys must be wondering what went wrong between Sage and Swayam? I am going to answer that question in the next chapter till then..stay tuned.

Shafaque 💕😘

Date of update:- 28/10/16

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