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"C'mon mom its only a game," I said. I was trying to convince my mom from yesterday but she isn't listening to me.

"No Sage. Your leg is still weak. You can't participate," she said and started walking towards her room. I quickly follow her.

"Please, mom."I pleaded.

"No," she said. "And that's final." I huffed and went to my room. 

I slammed the door and called the only person who can help me.

"She isn't allowing," I said.

"I'll talk to her," ma'am said.

"She won't listen to you,"

"There is no harm in trying. And if she won't then I have other plans also."

"Alright," I said. "Thank you, ma'am."

"It's OK," she said and hung up.

"I can't Sara," I heard my mom.

She is talking to ma'am for the past half an hour. Ma'am is trying her best to convince mom but she is not listening. She is still worried about my ankle.

"Fine I'll see," mom said and hang up. I ran to my room because I don't want to get caught.

"What she said?" I asked.

"She isn't allowing," ma'am said.

"I told you before."

"I have a plan."

"What plan?"

"I'll tell you tomorrow." I nodded even though I know she can't see me.

We chatted a bit after that and then she hung up. I let out a sigh and tossed the phone back.

I love to play badminton since I was in fifth grade. Every year I took part in cluster level. But I never went above regionals. But last year I made it to nationals. And this time I am aiming for SGFI (School games federation of India).

"Are you sure this plan is gonna work?" I asked for the fifth time.

"Trust me, Sage," she said. I nodded and bit my nails.

The plan was that I am going to say that we have extra lectures and because of that we have to say after school. I don't know but I have a feeling that this plan isn't gonna work. When it comes to my mom, well what to say. She is an amazing detective. She can easily find out that am lying to her.

I called her and told her that I am going to stay after school hours because extra classes are there.

After that, I changed my dress and went to the badminton court. Veer and Rohan were already there on the basketball court. Four other boys of the eleventh standard were also there. They eyed me up and down even though I wasn't wearing any sort of slutty clothes.

"Alright boys let's go," Rohan said diverting their attention from me. For which am thankful.

I began to warm up and then went to practice. There weren't many people for badminton this year. Only me, Tamanna, Rashi, and few other girls of eleventh standard and few boys.

"God, what you guys are doing? This not the correct way. You have to step forward otherwise you'll miss the shot," I said demonstrating to them the backhand shot.

Most of them have the problem in the backhand shot, other shots are perfect. It is like they never practiced these types of shots. It is going to be a problem for them if they don't perfect their backhand.

Sports is something you have to practice every day. Once the flow is gone it will take time. Am also having difficulty playing because I haven't played for the past month because of my ankle. Well, shit happens with me only. But now I have to practice hard.

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