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Days turned into weeks but Pranchal's situation was still same there ins't a single improvement in it. And by each passing day Rohan has became distant to both me and Veer. It's like we don't even exists. Even he stopped going to school, In fact he never left her side. He is stick to that chair, and whenever me or Veer tried to talk to him, he shut us. It was really painful to see him like that. Throughout this Veer was always by my side, supporting me. though I doesn't need his support, Rohan did.

Even when I went to the hospital to tell him that I got selected for SGFI, he didn't congratulate me, not even a single word came out of his mouth. 

"We are losing him." I said to Veer.

"Give his time sugar cup. He will come back to us, to you."He reassured me.

"I hope so too." I sighed. "I'll see you later Veer, gotta tell my parents about the news."

"Don't give them the news with a sad face."He patted my back and them went towards his home.

I opened the door of my home. Today is off for both of my parents, and hence the noise of TV.

"Mom-dad i am home."I announced removing my shoes.

"Welcome home honey." I heard mom's voice.

"How was school?"Dad asked as soon as appeared in front of them.

"Same old. but guess what?" I asked them. They stared at each other and then at my face. i groaned. "You guys are hopeless. I got selected for SGFI."

"Oh my god!! Honey that's wonderful. I am so proud of you."Mom gushed.

"We both are proud of you."Dad smiled.

"Thanks dad and mom."I smiled back at them.

Later that day we went to Rohan's place and told them about my selection. Veer's family was also present there. They were happy as well for me. They decided to throw a party for me before I leave for the SGFI, which is going to be held in Assam. The school is going to provide everything, the flight tickets, hotel fee, and every other expense. 

In two weeks I'll be leaving for the SGFI. I just hope that till then Rohan will be back to normal.


"Are you all set honey?"Dad asked.

"YUP!!" I nodded.

He picked up my bags and went down stairs. Today is my flight for Assam and Rohan is still not talking to me or Veer, or to anyone else for that matter. Though he started going to school but he hardly says anything. Even when our teachers question him he doesn't speak up, until he was forced to.

I got inside the car and dad drove towards the airport. Veer's and Rohan's family is coming to airport but not Rohan. He went back to hospital to stay with Pranchal. Yesterday When I came back from school mom said that there is bit of improvement in Pranchal's condition she is moving her fingers now and then. but doctors said not to get our hopes up. Because they are not sure about it.

The entire ride to the airport was awfully quite. Dad was driving and mom was looking out of the window while I just stared at my phone waiting for Rohan to call. which I know is not going to happen. since he hardly spoke anything to me from past almost two months. What i am expecting is next to impossible.

'God dam it Rohan, just call already." I thought.

Since there wasn't much traffic we reached airport a bit early. Moments later two more cares pulled beside us. It was Veer and Rohan's family.

"Let's go in."Rohan's dad said. We all nodded and went inside. There are twenty Children from Mumbai who got selected and two are from our school excluding me. Since there are more students from our school while rest of them gave only one or two students, the committee members decided to send an escort teacher from our school.and to my luck it is Sara ma'am.

Shortly after all the students arrived our flight got announced. I hugged my parents and then went to Veer.

"Stay safe Sage." he mumbled pulling me into a hug.

"I will. And you take care of yourself as well as of Rohan."

"Aye-aye captain."

"love you."

"love you too."

With that i left from there and got merged in the sea of people. We passed the security check and went inside our flight. I went to my seat, and beside me sat some guy of other school. 

"Hey. I am Shekhar."

"Sage."I smiled. He nodded.

"SO for which sport you are going for?"

"Badminton. what about you?"


"Cool. My brother used to play Soccer when we were young."

"what does he play now?"

"Nothing. He died."

"Oh! I am so sorry."

"Its okay. I am over it now. It has been 12 years."

"Damn!!"he shook his head and then smiled at me.

Soon the flight took off and we were in the air. I plugged in my headphones and decided to take a nap since this flight is quite long.

Assam here I come.


Hello lovely people of wattpad.

What do you think of this chapter? Do you think that it is good enough?

Okay so...honestly telling I have never been to SGFI in my entire life. I have only gone till clusters, that's why i don't know how does it work there. So I'm not going to write much about there. Just few things.

Next thing.....this story has come to an almost end there will be only two to three chapters and maybe a epilogue. I hope you enjoyed the rollaroaster ride with Sage Merchant, Veer Singh and Rohan Sharma.



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