Day 91 - Something that made you smile today

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Day 91 - Something that made you smile today

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A lot of things made me happy today, but there was just one thing in particular. I was in the kitchen getting some dinner ready, when my nephew stumbled in. I kept trying to keep him out of the kitchen and he wouldn't get out. He started crying, so I picked him up and sat him on the counter. I was worried that he might touch something he shouldn't, or that he'd make a sudden move and fall, but none of that happened. Instead he played with a lot of random things, until he found the peanut jar. He opened it and took one out, then covered it and put it back. A few second later, he did the same thing, he opened it and took another one out, and ate it. He literally sat down and ate almost all of the peanut that was left. He had such a big smile on his face as he was eating, it made me pause and take in the moment. 

I haven't had much time to spend with my family and now that I am around for a little while, I just enjoy every moment. 

Food For Thought

The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just have to find the ones worth suffering for. Look around, look closely at the people in your life right now, and ask yourself about each one: 'Is (s)he worth suffering for?'

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