Day 14 - Something You Hate

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Day 14 -  Something You Hate

It's hard to say that I hate something. Hate is such a strong word, but when I saw that I had to put a picture of something I hate, I had to think. Of course I didn't have to think long to find it.There, lurking in my brain, and threatening to overpower me was the ONE thing that I hate: CILANTRO.

Look at it. LOOK AT IT... LOOK, sitting there looking all pretty like parsley, don't let it fool you. It's cilantro. If you don't know what it is, bless your soul.

I am a CILANTROPHOBE. Yep, there you have it. Cilantro is my nemisis, my adversary,  my own hell (whenever I go somewhere where Hispanic food is served) an abomination.. ==> (Insert names here)

Repeat after me.

Eradicate cilantro

Cilantro must die!

You can make some signs and hold them up for the world to see too. My dream is that one day, this world would be cilantro free. You have a duty, dear reader, help rid the world of this evil herb. I hate going to a restaurant and asking "Does this have cilantro"


"What about this one?"


*thinks* (after asking the question 15 times, finally a NO) *smiles and nods inwardly*

*Squints* "Are you sure?" (because you know, you always have to make sure. It's a rule)

"I am sure"

"Okay" *smiles in triumph* "can I have the thing with no cilantro then. Thanks"

20 minutes later... YOU SAID IT DIDN'T HAVE CILANTRO....  By now I feel like crying and I just want to die... I TASTED CILANTRO... oh the horror, sigh.

If you don’t hate cilantro, you just don’t understand. Some 10 thousand other people understand though. Don't believe me, go to or check this facebook page, maybe you can like it if you're one of us.

When I get married, in my vow it will say something along those lines "There are not many things that I am sure of, but there are a few things that I am certain of. For example, I am certain that I hate cilantro and I am certain that I love you... " It is going to be my way to subtly warn him. If he ever tries to make me eat cilantro, I will become less certain of my love for him...

Anyways, now that you know about my hatred for the evil herb, what food do you hate?

In honor of my undying hatred for cilantro, I had a banana split today. All this cilantro talk made me realize that I actually don't mind a little sweet. I don't like it, but I don't hate it.

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