Day 25 - A Gift From a Friend

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Day 25 - A Gift From a Friend


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Can you believe it, I am on day 25, TWENTY FIVE... *victory dance*. I used to say I didn't have a favorite number, I still think I don't, BUT, I like the number 25. It's my birthday number for one, it also mean that I am a quarter of the way in this challenge. Most importantly, I get to talk about something a friend gave me. AND said friend's birthday is on the 25th day of a certain month.

Friendship is the sweetest gift!

Okay, this was a hard choice, because I have gotten many gifts from many friends. I wanted to share all my gifts, but I couldn't. I am convinced that I would get to do that some other time though. The picture you're looking at is a picture of a willow tree figurine. It is the willow tree Friendship.I received it as a Christmas present with a letter. I am going to share a little bit of that with you.

"Take a moment to look at it, ponder what the word 'friendship' means. I hope you find a special place for her and cherish her always.... I wish it to be a reminder to be a friend to everyone, especially the ones in need. A friend can change a person's life..." 

This is part of the letter I received with the figurine. I obviously cut out some of it, but it was basically that. I loved the figurine, I loved the letter (I love handwritten things). When I received the gift, I was beyond moved. I teared up a little, because I felt that I had no way of thanking the person. I still feel that way, I am still trying to figure out a way to say thank you in a way that would convey the way I felt when I received the gift. (If you can, please help me think of something, but send it to me in a message, since the person might be reading this.)

So this little friendship willow tree has no expression on her face. It makes it more personal, and I get to decide its meaning. When I think of friendship, I think of happiness, I think of strength, togetherness, caring heart, open hands, laughter, sometimes tears, smiles, understanding... This figurine has taken its post on my bedside table and every time I see it, it makes me smile.

What does friendship mean to you?

I am very shy, but I try to talk to people. I wish to challenge you to make a new friend. Instead of just saying hi to that person you always pass, this time, stop and ask him/her how is she doing? 10 times out of 10, you WILL get an answer. "Strangers are just friends waiting to happen."

A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart, and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words

Friends are angels who lift our feet when our own wings have trouble remembering how to fly.

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