Day 5 - A Place That Makes You Happy

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Day 5 -  A Place That Makes You Happy 

That was the easiest one so far, beside to take my picture on the first day...

*drum roll...* BEHOLD


Warm. Comfortable. Spacious.


Now that I got that out of my system, why don't we get to the picture of the day. As you can see, I put together a little collage of a place that makes me happy. If you couldn't tell, it's Barnes and Noble with a Starbucks inside.

I love this place very much, it could very well be my favorite place. I seldom get angry, I don't use profanity. EVER. however, there are times, when I get frustrated and I need an outlet. THIS IS IT... I go to Barneys (that's what I call it), I get some tea and a triple chunk chocolate cookie (it's massive). I find a book and I find a sofa chair or just a corner table with no interruption and I lose myself in the book. Sometimes I am there for hours and I don't even realize it until the store clerks make the closing announcements.

Other times, I just go to have fun with friends. We have random classes (like couponing class, that's what we were having in the picture). Sometimes, we just need to go to a midnight release of a book (I know, I'm a nerd and I'm proud).

Barneys holds so many memories for me... the most fun I've had in this place, was when I started doing live poetry and my best friend started doing interpretive dancing while using the table for drums. Everyone looked at us weird, but who cared... I know I didn't...

sigh... now I must go visit a Barnes and Noble...

I hope you enjoy this :)

Food For Thought

Your task is not to seek for love, but to seek and melt all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. God loves you with the very air you breathe, the very light that touches your skin, the very ground that supports you. Love is everywhere, - melt your barriers, and you will have love in abundance.

100 Days Picture Challenge...Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora