Day 33 - Something You Made

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Day 33  -  Something You Made

I am feeling pretty bored today, so I am trying to do this early, so I can have time to work on other things. I realize how lazy I've been getting and I don't like it. I have also been eating way too much... I didn't have breakfast this morning, but around noon I had a mini roll, then around 6 I had some soup with oyster crackers and a LOT of water. Now, it's only 9 and  I am hungry AGAIN. I think I have a black hole in my belly, a bottomless pit...


I have posted 3 things that I have made. Winnie, Dance and Captive... Before I say anything, not everything I do has a meaning, but some do.

Winnie, is an area rug that I made for my one and only nephew. I got the little carpet things and I used a big needle (it looks like a crochet one) to pull them through the holes ONE strand at a time. It took me ages to do, but the finish work was rewarding. I gave it to my sister who for my nephew and he loved it. 

Dance, was something I had to do in class, but I really was angry at the time they asked me to do it, so I didn't do my best. Instead I was thinking of all the anger I had, but then after I painted it, I felt better. I realized that I didn't follow my own advice. We could dance in our times of darkness.

Captive, was as you can see a lion. I used tissue paper, construction paper, water color and glue. The lion shows my obsession with the animal, but that wasn't the reason I made it. I wanted it to tell a story, I don't think I quite got it. At the time, I wanted to compare a child whose been subjected to abuse or some sort of trafficking to the lion inside the box. At first glance you could see that the lion is in a place where it should be happy. There are leaves, flowers and it's all green, but take a second look. The eyes are sad AND the lion is in a box. Much like a child, on the surface things look great, but the eyes tell their story.

You know once, I was asked this question "WHAT IS YOUR BURDEN?" It got me thinking. So I want to ask you the same thing, what is your burden? What is something that keeps you awake at night? You don't have to answer me, but this can help you when you are making a big decision.

Food For Thought

Even when you do something wrong, even when you fail, even when you make poor choices, you are loved. God is not a punitive. No doubt you will punish yourself enough for your mistakes. The question is: Will you try to do the right thing next time? Will you learn from your mistakes? Will you keep on loving and caring to the best of your ability?

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