Day 57 - Everything inside your purse/backpack/wallet

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Day 57 - Everything inside your purse/backpack/wallet

I know this day was coming, but I didn't realize it was today. I woke up with red eyes and they hurt. I went out with one of the boys to a Mexican restaurant. I went through the "Does this have cilantro?" bit quite a few times, before I found something to eat. Then out of nowhere, a glass of cold water came flying at me. I sat in the restaurant with wet pants that looked like I had an accident. I finished my meal and decided to come home. Just when I thought the day couldn't get any weirder, I thought wrong. I had to post everything inside my purse. EVERYTHING...

You wouldn't understand how hard it would be to get everything in one picture. Luckily, a couple of weeks ago, I had started taking some things out of my purse, because I knew this day would come soon. What you're looking at is the content of my purse. What? Don't judge me. Let me see if I can tell you what they are from left to right.

We have an agenda with letters sticking out of it, cards paper and notes. I like to keep my letters and cards with me, because they're special, they're from my friends and they make me feel like I have them near. Then I have tissue (for my nose), my camera in the case, a metro card (for the train in NYC). There is a small journal, a movie, the first Harry Potter book (when I am bored and I have to wait on people) another journal. I have some peanuts (for when hunger strikes), lipstick, lip gloss, USB stick, my wallet. Then I have a magnetic necklace that I use as a bracelet, pens, mascara, hand sanitizer, chargers (because, you need more than one), lotion, a pencil sharpener. There is a little metal box (it says resilient, it has cards that have inspirational, motivational words and a few Bible verses,  I never go anywhere without it). Oh let's not forget the car charger, the headphones, the gloves, but most importantly, the PURSE ORGANIZER. The purse organizer has a bunch of sticky note pads, 2 deodorants, pens, aleve pain reliever (for when I meet someone who needs it, I don't use it personally). Honestly I don't know what else is in the organizer...

There I just showed you my purse's content. Everything is there for a reason, I might not know what the reason is, but I will put it to use some day. You're probably wondering what happened to the extention cord, well I took it out, it was part of the things I took out. I don't feel too good about it not being in, but I am trying to let it go.

That is it for tonight, I am going to rest my eyes. Have a good night.

Food For Thought

This human form is temporary. Enjoy playing the game, even be serious about it if you wish, but do not get so attached to this form that you forget who you truly are - the fruit of God's love.

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