Day 66 - A picture in your room

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Day 66 - A picture in your room

Do you know why we have friends? We have them so they can pester us, they can laugh at and with us, they can lend a shoulder to cry on, they can offer words of comfort. We also have them so they can write our challenges for us when we're not feeling up to it.

Tonight I asked my friend to write my challenge, she didn't even think about it. Well she did, because she thought I was joking, but she said yes anyways. I love my friends, sigh. Although this is my post, I did not write the rest of this post, starting from the next paragraph up to the food for thought. ColdFirePlace wrote it. *waves at ColdFirePlace* thanks for writing my post. I love it.

DISCLAIMER (some of what you are about to read may not be quite true. I'm being lazy tonight and paid ColdFirePlace to write this post...we have yet to decide on the price)

Today's post has something to do with art! That's right, art! It's a picture in my room. How exciting and fantabulous is that?!

The picture you see is hanging on my wall. It is quite the picture wouldn't you agree? When I first saw it it just took my breath away. I couldn't stop looking at it. My first thought was 'Wow that looks so peaceful, I want to live there'

Besides this one awesome picture I don't have a lot of art around my room (which is kind of strange since I'm an artist and am amazingly talented). If I had my way I would paint my walls hot pink and neon green. Then I would hang retro pop art everywhere! Why retro? I don't's not my favorite but it's unique.

So this is the end. I'm sorry it's so short. I'm (nineler) technically not even writing this. Half of this is not true...just saying.

Peace Out!

Until tomorrow, bye!

Food For Thought

Freedom is within, not without. Freedom is much misunderstood as freedom from something, as outward facing. Such freedom is illusory. Real freedom is freedom from mental sins of desire, hate, prejudice. Real freedom brings peace, grace, bliss.

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