Day 41 - Someone in Your Family

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Day 41 - Someone in Your Family

As you might have noticed, I haven't been updating. Well I have plenty of reasons why I haven't but, I don't want to use them, so let's just say, I'll post 3 or maybe 4 for tonight. I am going to do this as fast as possible, because I need to pack.

Maybe I should have waited to post my nephew's picture. Oh well I don't mind posting something else. This picture is of my sister, she is my youngest sibling and I love her to death. I don't really have much to say about her, except that I am a few years older than her. She is awesome and she is one of my friends.

When I was younger, I used to suck on my lower lip and it used to be puffy and red. One night my mom put aloe on it while I was sleeping. It tasted horrible, needless to say, I stopped sucking on it, instead I folded my tongue inside my mouth and sucked it. My mom would never be able to make me stop, I thought. I was right, she never was able to make me stop, but guess what? One day we saw my little sister doing the same thing. She used to do everything I did. She would only eat if I was eating, she would mimic me all the time. I didn't mind it though, but that thing my mom minded. She made her stop right away. Lucky her, my sister never got too attached to it, but I never stopped. I still do it, even now...

My sister and we're so close, even more than we were when we were younger. She even at one point called me mom, it didn't matter that we were a few years apart. I love her so much and I know that I would do anything for her.

Once when she was 4, my mom cooked some meat and put it in the fridge, we were all out and she stayed with my dad. Obviously my dad was not paying attention to her, because she went in the fridge and ate all the meat. LOL. When we came home, she ran to meet us at the door. Before my mom could say anything, she looked at my mom straight in the eyes and said "Mommy, I did not eat the meat" then she turned and walked away. LOL, she was so cute, we couldn't even get mad.

I miss her so much, and I know she misses me too. This is what she wrote on my facebook page.

Awww Nine you're the best sister in the whole world! I got your letter, that was very sweet. And it's a diffinite YES!! I'm missing you like a star misses the night in the morning...

I love my family.

Food For Thought (Quote)

I know some sisters who only see each other on Mother's Day and some who will never speak again.  But most are like my sister and me... linked by volatile love, best friends who make other best friends ever so slightly less best.  ~Patricia Volk~

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