Day 2 - A Photo That Makes You Happy

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Day 2 - A Photo That Makes You Happy

Hello beautiful reader, 

It is already day two of the challenge. It might not seem much but, soon it will be day 10, then before you know it day 50 and then we will all look back and think "It's over"

Today's challenge calls for a photo that makes me happy. Seriously, it has been so difficult for me to chose one, I wanted to put a lot of them here. After a long debate and reflection, I decided to go with the one you are now looking at. 

This picture makes me happy, why?

Well for some of you who might already know, I recently moved to a different state. For those of you who didn't know, well now you know. "SURPRISE" (I don't know why I just said that, but it seemed like it was a good place to say it.) You should know that I am easily distracted by "SHINY" things. I also don't know why I told you that, but whatever.

Let's get back to topic. 

Now where were we? AH! Yes. I recently moved to a different state because of my job. I am now hundreds of miles away from all my family, my friends and anyone who ever mattered to me. The picture you're looking at was taken approximately 2 years ago. It's a picture of myself, my two sisters and one of my best friends. These people are my anchors, they keep me grounded. They make me laugh, they make me smile, they care about me, they've seen me cry and they've cried with me.

When I first moved a few weks ago, it was so hard getting adjusted, but, I tried my best not to let it show. I played it cool and acted like everything was fine. IT WASN'T... I missed my family, I missed my friend. Where had my joy gone???

I found this picture and I knew I could be happy. Yes, I miss them but, this is not forever, this is only temporary. The reason I love it so much is because of how carefree we looked in the photo. The picture wasn't rehearsed. Yes we posed for it, but you can see that the laughter was real. The people were real, and it looked like we were having fun. That's because we did have fun... We had a picnic, we played badminton (I lost, because obviously, I am not good at it) we ate, we walked, we played in the park... all in all, it was a glorious day. 

What are some things that make you happy?

Food For Thought

It doesn't matter your age, it is okay to play! When you work too much without interspersing some play into your day, you lose your vitality. Play keeps your heart light and your spirit lively.


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