Day 48 - Your Best Friend

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Day 48 - Your Best Friend

I have been waiting for that post for so long. I just want to talk about my friends, they're the best. Before I start, I want to say that I love ALL my friends. They're each like a piece of a puzzle, they are different and only come in one. I need each of them to complete my puzzle, one could not replace the other. No one of them is more important than the other. I love them ALL, I need them ALL.

I wish there was a way I could talk about all of them and post all of them here, but that's not remotely possible. So tonight, I am talking about the 2 people, who I get the pleasure to call best friends.


We've been friends since we were 6 years old. We went to the same school and we basically grew up together. Then she moved to Canada, we were young but we promised to still be friends. "I will write to you and I will send you pictures all the time" we'd told each other. It was hard but we kept our promises. Then just before I moved to the US, we got together again and we said goodbye for the second time. It's been probably 7 years since I've seen her, but we share pictures, letters, we talk on the phone. Our conversations are never boring, and it never feels like we haven't seen each other for years. I miss her like crazy, but she is always only a phone call away.

We realised that it was so hard to keep our frienship going while being so far away, but that didn't stop us. We wrote journals with interesting things and then mailed them to each other.


She has been my crazy best friend, for about 5 years. Do you know how you sometime you meet someone, and you click. You then know that this person is your friend... Well, in our case, we didn't click. It took us 3 weeks together and a bunch of books, then we were inseparable. Now that I am so far away it makes me appreciate her even more. She writes me the longest letters, in which she draws things like a sad looking chicken, just so she can tell me how bad she feels about not being able to see me. 

These 2 girls know me in ways people migh not understand. I love them and I am thankful for them as I am thankful for all of my friends.

Food For Thought.

Kindness is contagious. Try it out, give it to someone. What is something nice that you could do for a friend, family member or even a stranger today? Once you have thought of it, do it, and then move on to somebody else. Before long you'll start seeing results, try it, it's contagious.

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