Day 50 - Something You Drew

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Day 50 - Something You Drew

Oh my goodness, day 50. I am halfway through HALFWAY, I am doing a celebratory dance... Do you know what that means? I am almost there, soon it's going to be 75 days and then before you know it BAM! 100 days.

 When I was a little girl, I wanted to be an artist, I wanted to paint. Everyday, this was how I saw myself waking up, picture this with me...

The sun would filter through the glass windows, leaving a trail of warmth on my skin. I'd strech and yawn and like a lazy cat I'd slowly get out of bed. I'd push the window open and a gush of fresh air would kiss my face. I'd fill my lungs with the beautiful morning air, while somewhere in a nearby tree, birds would sing harmoniously. I'd reluctantly walk away from the window towards my dresser. I'd reach through the messy drawers and pull out the first clothes my hands would land on. Some random sweat pants splattered with paint and a holey shirt.  I'd tie my paint covered hair in a messy bun and walk out of the room into my messy art studio. I'd grab an easel, with an endless amount of paint supplies, I'd grab a canvas and head outside. My feet would embrace the morning grass and I'd set to work...

I'd paint my masterpiece and I'd get to start another one all over again the next day. Unfortunately, I didn't become an artist, I don't know how to paint. My parents didn't encourage me to paint, It was a silly dream. I didn't take art classes, because the artists in my country were too depraved. They were always high on the latest drugs and my parents would die before they let me become like them.I don't blame them, they're parents, they have the right to worry and want to protect their little girl.

But everyday, I'd draw, I'd hide my sketchbook inside my books and pretend to study. Luckily I never had to study, I only had to read the page and I would remember everything. So I'd read as fast as possible and then I'd set to drawing. Today's picture is something I drew, well someone I drew. The boy in the drawing is one of the boys I work with, it was his Christmas present. He told me that he loved the picture and I can't help but believe it, but sometimes, just sometimes, I wonder if I would have been a great artist. It doesn't really matter, I have other dreams.

Read my next post. It's up

Food For Thought

Every moment can be made glorious by your realization of God. That does not mean praying incessantly or reading holy book nonstop. What that does mean is going about your everyday life with an awareness of communion with God in your heart.

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