Day 13 - Favorite Board Game

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Day 13 - Favorite Board Game

I am not a very big board game player, so imagine my surprise when I went to day 13 and it says "favorite board game" O_o. I put my thinking cap on and I realize that I do have a favorite board game...

Despite what some people who shall not be named ==> ColdFirePlace: might think. IF Scrabble is a board game, then it would have to be my favorite. IT IS THE MOST AWESOME-EST (I am allowed to make up words) GAME EVER

But my favorite game is Taboo. Oh how I love Taboo. One of my friends, after we spent 3 weeks playing Taboo, we teamed up everytime and always won. She'd say something like "it's a place Anita would have never gone in the first book" I'd say "it's a mall". But we're not here to talk about Taboo, we're talking about scrabble.

There is a card game of scrabble, and one time I played it with some friends, they told me I could never play again. They kept pausing the game because they didn't know the words I was writing. It pays to speak different languages. I LOVE SCRABBLE. I play it in French, in English, I love the card even more. I have it downloaded on my phone... It's like words with friends if you have an android or iphone

That's it for today :) I am also proud to say that I went back to scrapbooking. I had a better success rate today, and I even completed a book. My room is clean and my art supplies are now low.

Food For Thought

You are to trust yourself. If you do not, then you will forever be looking to others to prove your own merit to you, and you will never be satisfied. You will always be asking others what to do and at the same time resenting their help. Trust in yourself starts with being ok with the consequences of your decisions.

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