Day 15 - Your Childhood Home

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Day 15 -  Your Childhood Home

HI, I think it's time I drop out of the challenge.

I CAN'T FIND MY CHILDHOOD HOME. I am just about ready to pull out my hair. I didn't live in the US as a child, SO I drew a picture of how I remembered my house. Please do not throw eggs or rotten tomatoes at me ( I don't know why you would but just thought I'd say that). As you can see the house is not quite complete, one of the windows isnot done. I got tired so I stopped halfway, remember how I told you I don't always finish things I start? Perfect example.

Let's give you a tour of my drawing. There is the street, then we had this little garden out in the front. Then you go up the stairs (there were no railings, so if you fell you die) luckily I don't believe anyone ever fell. There is this giant metal blue door. You see two windows, the one with the swirls was the one from my room. The other one was the one from the living room. Then there is a tiny one from the kitchen. Then there is another set of stairs, where you go up and you can access the roof.

Anyways, that house held so many memories for me. It was where my youngest siblings took her first steps. It was where I had my first crush, it was where my very first best friend and I played multiple times. It was where we said goodbye. In that same house a boy asked me to his prom ( I was only 15, but my mom let me go) and he was my crush.

But the memories I cherish the most are the ones where as a family we lounged on sheets on the roof. We gazed at the stars and enjoyed the breeze while our parents told us bedtime stories.


Food for thought

Your ability to receive is equally important to your ability to give. Have you ever brought a special gift, working hard just to get it, only to be refused by the person you were giving it to? That didn't feel right, did it? Our relationships are greatly enhanced when we become not only generous givers, but generous receivers as well. When we know how to accept gladly, wholeheartedly, embracing the gift as an extension of the giver. It takes both giving and receiving for care and generosity to flow unimpeded.

100 Days Picture Challenge...Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora