Epilogue: Percy

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Have you ever been to a pirate wedding?

Well, let me tell you, they're quite an event.

Annabeth and I had been planning for this day for a month. Everything was supposed to be perfect. And it would be.

First was the reception. Annabeth was close to her entire crew, so all of them were invited. In other words, the deck was covered in over a thousand chairs, packed closely together. They were all filled with people. Leo was in the front row, holding Rebel.

I was waiting at the alter. Annabeth hadn't shown me her dress, but I knew Piper, Calypso, Hazel, and her had been working on it for over a week. Hazel and Annabeth had made up, much to Annabeth's delight.

At most weddings, all the bridesmaids held flowers and the arch and pretty much everything was white. But this wasn't most weddings.

Everything was a sea-green, with embroidered hearts that looked like they were made of blood every few steps or so. Instead of flowers, everyone held a sword, which they leaned on.

The music started up, and Annabeth started walking down the aisle. I had never seen anything so beautiful before in my life. Her dress was white, with waves patterned on it. The sunlight made her glow like a goddess, which, to me, she was.

She walked up to me, and we joined hands. Thalia cleared her throat.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today to celebrate the love between these two pirates, Percy and Annabeth. I hope they have a happy life together, blah blah blah... you may say your vows."

I started. "Annabeth, I know our relationship started off a little rocky, and stayed that way, but if there's one thing I've realized, it's that I can't live without you. I love you, Annabeth, and spending the rest of my life with you isn't something I want. It's something I need."

"Percy," She said. "Kidnapping you was the best thing I've ever done. You've made me realize that there's more to life than robbing and murdering. Making you go away was the worst decision I've ever made, and I never want to be away from you again. I love you, Percy."

"You may kiss the bride," Thalia said.

I obliged, and everyone clapped. I'd never been happier.

And it was pretty much the best pirate wedding of all time.

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