Chapter 17: Percy

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I loved rain.

How it felt when it touched my skin, how it looked when it hit the ocean... everything. I'd take it over sunshine any day.

And today was no different.

The winds were calm today, so there weren't that many pirates on the deck. Most of them were below it, doing whatever it was they did.

That was probably why I heard her. Without the normal sounds of the pirates filling the air, her sobs did.

I don't know why I went up to her office. Maybe I just wanted to see what was wrong. Maybe I wanted to comfort her. Maybe it was fate. But I did.

Annabeth was crying, her head resting on her desk. She didn't move when I entered the room, even though I was sure she heard the door squeak.

"Go away, Luke," She sobbed.

"It's Percy," I replied. "What's wrong?"

Her head shot up. "Why do you care?"

There were a couple moments of silence.

"Because I don't like seeing people in pain," I decided to go with. "Whats wrong?"

"You wouldn't understand," She mumbled, resting her head on the desk again. 

I sat in the chair opposite her desk and said nothing. 

"Why are you still here?" She asked.

Again, I didn't really have an answer.

"Because I care about you," I replied, shocked at my own words. My eyes widened. Was that really true?

She looked at me, her eyes red. "Is that why you saved my life?"

"Yes," I said immediately. Honestly speaking, it was like my vocal chords were listening to my heart instead of my brain.

She smiled. Not a big smile, but one that just made the corners of her mouth lift enough to tell me that she was.

"That's the nicest thing any of prisoners has ever said to me," She joked.

I laughed. I had almost forgotten that I was her prisoner.

"You should go now," She said, wiping her eyes. I stood up to go.

"Oh, and Percy?" She said as I opened the door. I turned to face her. "Thanks."

I nodded and left.

I walked down to the room, not having anything better to do. It was almost dinner anyway.

On my way, I passed an obviously drunk Hazel kissing an obviously drunk Frank. I smiled to myself. As far as I knew, Frank was still a virgin. It was about time that he enjoyed a woman.

Leo was in the room when I got there, with Calypso. They were playing some sort of board game.

"Hey, Perc!" Leo greeted me. "Want to play?"

"Sure," I replied. "I'd love too."

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