Chapter 14: Annabeth

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*A few hours later*

"So, in my gratitude for Percy saving my life, I've decided to move you to this room."

Percy, Frank, and all of my other prisoners stared at me blankly.

"Really?" Leo asked.

"Yes," I said as I unlocked the door to the abandoned bedrooms. "I've also decided to let you roam the ship during the day. But if any of you decide to try to escape, I'm putting you all back in the brig with both of your hands tied to the cell walls."

I gave the keys to Calypso. She had her left arm in a sling, but I was sure none of my prisoners would try to escape, so she would be fine on guard duty.

And with that, I walked back to my office. I was incredibly tired, and almost instantly fell asleep the second my head hit the pillow.


I quickly packed everything I owned, along with enough food and water to last me for a couple weeks. I only had a few minutes before the soldiers came for me. 

Going out the front door was too risky, so I climbed out my bedroom window. Then I ran.

I couldn't believe it. They were framing me for my father's murder? I loved my father!

But I was his bastard daughter, and no one trusted a bastard. 

*Two Years Later*

I reached into the man's pocket and grabbed his coin pouch. He didn't even notice.

After being on the road for two years, pick-pocketing had become as easy as breathing for me. I was in Larissa, a city far away enough from Athens that no one was looking for me. Besides, I had grown so much in the past two years I doubted anyone could recognize me.

I slipped into an alley and started counting my coins. I had enough money to feed me for at least two weeks.

"What's a little girl like you doing out here all alone?"

I looked up. A blond-haired boy with a scar was staring at me.

"Living," I replied, not running like my instincts were telling me too. I was tired of fleeing.

"Luke, who are you talking too?" A black-haired girl asked. She was standing not too far down the alley.

"A girl," He replied. "You know, you're not going to last too long out here all by yourself."

The black-haired girl walked up to us and knelt down beside me. "Hi, I'm Thalia. This is Luke. He has a point, you know."

I just stared at her. I knew he had a point, but I didn't want to admit it.

"If you come with us, we could help you," Thalia said. "We could be like a family."

"A family?" I asked. After losing my father so long ago, the offer sounded amazing.

"Yeah," She smiled. "A family."

*A week later*

"Why didn't you just take him when you ran away the first time?"

"Because I just needed to get out of there, Luke!"

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