Chapter 1: Percy

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I awoke to sunlight streaming through my window.

I groaned. I had shut the curtains, but I was 100% sure that my father, King Gabe, had someone open them. This was a daily occurrence, after all.

Knowing that I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, I groggily climbed out of bed. The prostitute I had hired last night was gone. Good.

I got dressed in my normal outfit, a blue toga. Argos was a seaside nation, so a lot of our things were green. Our crests, outfits, buildings... everything.

I rang my servant's bell, and he showed up about a minute later. Leo had been my servant since I found him scavenging for food on the streets and took pity on him, four years ago. While he was awkward at first, Leo had grown to be my favorite servant in the castle. He was a quick thinker, good with his hands, and moderately funny.

"What's up?" He asked as he walked through the door. He never really learned proper etiquette.

"Fetch my breakfast," I ordered, and then he was off.

Today, I was going to Crete to participate in the Olympics. I was determined to win. My father and I's relationship was tedious at the moment, but I knew that if I brought honor to our kingdom at the games, we'd be on good terms again. At least for awhile.

The door opened. Leo was back, a plate of eggs in his hands.


I was standing on the dock next to the Navy General's son, Frank. Leo was already aboard the ship we would be taking. The Sally, named after my mother, was the second biggest ship in Argos. It would be more than enough to get us to Crete safely.

"You ready, your highness?" Frank asked. He was my cousin, seeing as his mother was my aunt and my mother's sister, but you wouldn't be able to tell we were related by looking at us.

"Of course I am," I replied. The sea was practically my second home. I swear, there must be salt water coursing through my veins.

"Then lets board," Frank said, and together, we walked on.

I'd been on The Sally twice before, and each time I was amazed by its craftsmanship. It was like Hephaestus himself had come out of his forge and helped build it.

I walked into my temporary bedchamber. Leo had already brought my luggage inside. The voyage would take five days, maybe even four if Posiden was kind. We had sacrificed two bulls to him before setting sail, so I hoped he was.


It was day three of our voyage. The captain had estimated that we'd be at our destination by sunset tomorrow.

The sea was calm, and the moonlight set a streak of silver across the water. It was beautiful.

I grasped onto the railing. The wind was rustling through my hair, and the air smelled of salt. It was my favorite smell.

That's when it happened.


I jerked my head towards the sound. The lookout on the mast post had lowered his telescope and was repeatedly yelling "Pirates!" Over and over again.

I looked in the direction he was, and I saw it. The boat was huge, probably around twice the size of The Sally, and was heading straight towards us. We probably had a minute until they were close enough to attack.

How did the lookout not see them sooner? I wondered.

Guards came pouring out onto the deck.

"Your Majesty!" One shouted when he saw me. "It's not safe! Go below deck!"

I followed his orders. I was terrified, which was a new feeling for me. I wanted my sword, Riptide, but I had left it at home.

I ran into my bedchamber and locked the door.

I scanned the room, looking for something I could use as a weapon. I settled on the curtain rod.

I pushed my closet against the door. I could hear the clanging of swords above me, along with shouting and laughing. Laughing! For the first time in my life, laughter sounded terrifying.

About half an hour after the initial attack, the clanging stopped. My heart was beating so fast I swore that it was going to jump out of my chest. That battle had ended.

The question was, who won?

I could hear people shouting and laughing still, but I couldn't hear what they were saying.

Then I heard the footsteps, loud and fast, and I knew from the sound that is was people running down stairs. Which meant that the pirates won. My men would never make such a racket.

I frantically looked around my room, trying to find a hiding spot, but the only one that would even cover my entire body was under the bed. And that was way too obvious.

By then the footsteps were at the door next to mine, which was Franks room. I prayed to Hestia that he would be safe as they kicked down his door.

I decided to stand next to the closet, so that when they opened the door I could surprise attack them with my curtain rod. It wouldn't get me out of this mess, but at least I'd get to beat one of them. The thought reassured me.

After the pirates were done with Frank, they came to me. I heard one jiggle the doorknob.

"It's locked," The pirate called out. The sound of their voice shocked me. It sounded like... a woman.

"I got it," Another one replied. That one was definitely male.

I heard some faint clicks, and then a loud one. He must've picked it.

Someone turned the doorknob and pushed, but the closet blocked them. "There's something blocking it!" They said, and I could tell it was the same girl as before.

"I got it, babe," Another one replied. This one was male, but he wasn't the dude from before.

I heard running, then a smash. To my horror, the closet started to move.

This happened five times, me by then there was a big enough gap for someone to squeeze through. And someone did.

Without thinking, I swung.

"Shit!" They cried, and I was horrified to hear it was the woman. You never hit a girl.

I was so occupied by this thought that I didn't realize I'd been tackled till I hit the floor.

"Look who we have here," The man who was on top of me grinned. He had blond hair and lighting blue eyes.

"Holy shit!" The girl said from behind him. "It's Prince Percy!"

"The captains going to be happy about this," The guy who picked the lock said.

Suddenly, the blond dude yanked me to my feet and tied my hands together with lighting speed.

As he dragged me out, I got a good look at the other two. The girl had choppy brown hair and eyes that seemed to change color, and the other guy had blond hair, blue eyes, and a scar on his face.

Then the girl pulled a sack over my head and all I could see was burlap.

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