Chapter 7: Percy

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I didn't know how long we had been in this room. All I knew was that we were moving again.

We had had our chance, and we blew it. We probably won't get another one.

"Should we just give ourselves up?" Frank asked glumly. "I mean, there's no way we can pull this off."

He was right. Oh, if I had only listened to him in the cell room! Then we could've avoided this whole mess.

"And give grey-eyes the satisfaction of beating us?" Leo said. "No. I suggest we just stay put. Let her find us."

And find us she did.

After sitting in the room for over an hour, the door flung open, revealing Annabeth. Despite the situation, she looked absolutely breathtaking. She was in an outfit that looked like something a prostitute would wear, and it showed off a lot of skin. She had nice skin.

"Take them to my study," She said, and Jason, Luke, and Calypso emerged from behind her and hauled us to our feet.

They dragged us through the ship, all the way up to the deck. Then, they brought us to a door at the back of the ship, opened the door, and dragged us in. Then, they forced us onto our knees, which was the way we stayed until Annabeth showed up.

She was dressed in her normal outfit, and I couldn't help but feel disappointed.

"Well, well, well, look what we have here," She said, her voice laced with sarcasm. "Did you really think that your little plan was going to work?"

None of us answered.

"Now, I assume that one of you had some sort of metal on you," She said. "And, one of you has the ability to pick locks. I assume it's Leo. So here's what I think happened: one of you noticed that the boat wasn't moving, decided to try and escape, told the others, had Leo pick all the locks, then you all ran down the hall, heard voices, dived into that bedchamber, and remained there for the last hour."

Wow. She got it all perfectly. Maybe she really was the daughter of Athena.

"What should we do with them?" Luke asked.

"Take Percy and Frank back to their cells, except this time, tie one of their arms to one of the cell's bars," She instructed.

"And Leo?" Calypso asked.

Annabeth looked at him. "Have him walk the plank," She said coldly.

My heart skipped a beat. No no no no no. She couldn't just kill Leo! Leo was the only person who ever made me laugh, and I would even go as far as to call him my best friend.

Luke hauled me to my feet, and I noticed a knife sticking out from his belt. I acted without thinking.

"If you have Leo walk the plank," I said as I held the knife against my neck. "I'll slit my own throat."

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