Chapter 21: Percy

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We lay like that for awhile, just enjoying the each others company. But, unfortunately, the time came where I had to leave.

"You'll be back tommorow, right?" She asked.

"Of course," I replied as I pulled on my clothes. "See you tomorrow."

I kissed her goodbye, and then left.

Everyone else on the crew was at dinner, so the deck was deserted. It was kind of eerie, but I didn't mind. I was still in a good mood.

But that mood went away the second someone knocked me to the ground.

I looked up just in time to see Luke press the sword to my neck. My senses went on high alert.

"What the Hades are you doing?" I asked.

"You slept with Annabeth," He stated, ignoring me.

"I don't see how that's any of your business," I replied.

That comment got the sword pressed deeper against my throat.

"She picked you?" He whispered, more to himself than to me. "Over me?"

That's when I smelled the alcohol. He was drunk, and, from what I could tell, jealous. Those two didn't mix well.

"Luke, man, let's put the sword away and talk about this," I said, trying to calm him down.

He ignored me. "You're the worst thing that has ever happened to this ship, Percy. You've distracted her. Now, she won't ransom you off, because she's convinced she's in love with you. That'll bring your father's wrath against us. He won't stop until he finds us, and while this ship has 1,890 amazing fighters, we can't beat your father's entire navy. We'll all die."

He pressed the sword against my throat so hard I felt blood run down my skin.

"I'm doing this because I love her," He mumbled to himself. "With you dead, she'll be able to command this ship again, and make the right decisions."

That was the stupidest thing I'd ever heard. If there was one way to bring my father's wrath upon you, it was by killing his heir. By I don't think Luke was doing much reasoning at the moment.

"ANNABETH!" I screamed. "HELP!"

Luke brought the sword above his head. "I'm doing this for her. This will help her in the long run."

He brought the sword down, but it never reached me.

Instead, a knife sunk into his neck. He gurgled on his own blood for a couple of seconds, dropping his sword. Then he dropped to the ground, too.

I looked at the direction the knife had come from. Annabeth was standing there, wearing nothing but a nightgown, tears rolling down her eyes.

People had emerged on the deck, hearing my screams. There were gasps, screams, and all sorts of noises made when they saw Luke's body.

A black-haired girl dropped to her knees beside him. She pulled the knife out of his neck, took one look at it, and looked at Annabeth.

"WHY?" She screamed. "WHY DID YOU KILL HIM?"

"He was going to kill Percy," Annabeth said, so quietly I could barely hear her. "I had no choice."

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