Chapter 27: Percy

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"Remind me again why I'm agreeing to do this?" Frank asked.

"Because you want to see the woman you love again," I replied.

Frank mumbled something under his breath, but didn't reply.

It was night, and we were walking down to the docks. I had already stole a month's worth of food, water, and a hundred drachmas for the trip. Frank had stolen the boat.

It was a small boat, with a small mast and flag. Neither of us knew how to drive a bigger ship, or had the enough people to do so, so it was perfect for us.

I loaded the supplies in. Frank took out the paddles, and handed two to me.

"Are we really doing this?" He asked as I climbed into the boat.

"We have no choice," I replied. "I can't live without her, Frank. And I don't think you can live without Hazel."

"But our families..." Frank's voice trailed off.

I gulped. I hated to do this to my mom, but I couldn't stay here. I could only hope that she'd understand.

"I know," I said sadly. "But we have too. I mean, you could keep sleeping with prostitutes to try and cope with her absence, but trust me, it won't work. And I'm already withering away here."

That convinced him, and he climbed into the boat. I untied it from the dock, and, without saying a word, we started to paddle into the ocean.

Did we have any idea where we were going? No. Did we care? No. At least now, we had hope.

I looked at Argos, staring until it faded into the darkness, along with my old life. But I didn't feel sadness. 

After having a taste of what my life could be, I couldn't go back. For once in my life, I decided that I was never meant to be a prince. I was meant to be the lover of the Pirate Queen, and there was nothing I'd rather be.

I love you, Annabeth, I thought as we rowed into the unknown. And I'm going to see you again, if it's the last thing I do.

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