Chapter 29: Percy

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We'd been sailing for a week.

It had gotten boring really quickly, and my arms were constantly tired. Sometimes, you'd have to go through entire nights without finding any land to tie the boat too. Those were the worst nights.

I thought today would be the same as the others. I was wrong.

"Uh, Percy?" Frank asked. "We have trouble."

I looked behind me, and saw massive storm clouds. "Shit."

We desperately tried to turn around, but the current was too strong, pushing us right towards the storm.

In other words, we were screwed.

"Well, Percy, it was nice knowing you," Frank said as we approached the giant waves.

No! I thought. No! I am seeing Annabeth again! I have too!

"Frank, neither of us are dying today," I promised.

"And how are you planning on saving us?" Frank asked.

I dug around in our supplies until I found the drachmas. I took a handful.

"Oh Lord Poseidon!" I screamed. "My friend and I are quite young, and do not want to die! Please accept our offering, and spare your loyal subjects!"

I tossed the drachmas into the ocean.

Nothing happened.

"Great," Frank muttered. "Now we just wasted a lot of our money, and we're going to die!"

I stared into the ocean, my hope gone.

Your friend has a point, you know.

My head shot up. What the heck?

Down here?

I looked into the churning water, and found myself face to face with a dolphin.

"Are you speaking to me?" I asked. Frank looked at me like I was crazy.

It's sad, you know, the dolphin said. You had so much potential.

Then it swam off, leaving me wondering if I was losing my marbles.

"I knew I shouldn't have left home!" Frank screamed. Soon, I saw why.

A giant wave was towering over us, ready to smash us to pieces. I threw my hands up, as if that was going to save me, closed my eyes, and waited.

And waited. And waited.

Eventually, I opened my eyes, only to see a gaping Frank. I soon saw why he was so amazed.

Suspended over us was the wave, like it was frozen. Ready to crash down, but not actually doing it.

I lowered my hands, and the wave fell into the ocean. Instead of death, all Frank and I got was a splash of water to the face.

"Dude," Frank whispered. "What the Hades just happened?"

I shook my head, not knowing how to answer.

The storm had stopped. Abruptly. Now, the sun was shining, the clouds completely gone.

Then, as if things couldn't get weirder, something burst out of the ocean, splashing us again.

Once I got the water out of my eyes, my mouth dropped open. Standing in front of us on the ocean like it was land was a white-haired man, with my sea-green eyes. Somehow, I knew who he was.

"Hello, Percy," Lord Poseidon said. "It's time I told you about something."

The Pirate's Prisoner | Percabethحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن