Chapter 3: Percy

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Two things ran through my head when the sack was pulled off of it.

1. Holy shit it's a woman.

2. Holy shit she's beautiful.

Blonde hair, gray eyes, a mischievous smile: she was my dream girl. And she had just kidnapped me.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" She asked playfully. "This isn't Prince Percy, is it, Piper?"

The girl I had hit with the curtain rod, who I assumed was Piper, nodded. "Sure is, captain."

"How much money do you reckon your daddy will pay for you, your highness?" She asked. She said 'your highness' sarcastically, and I knew she was making fun of me.

I didn't answer. I wasn't going to give her the satisfaction.

She smiled. "Not very talkative, are we? Well, I have other persuasion options, and I don't think you'll like 'em very much."

A black-haired girl with the same lightning-blue eyes as the pirate who tackled me stepped forwards, with a menacing look and a huge spear.

I decided to answer."More money than you've ever seen," I growled.

She laughed. "That makes you the best thing I've ever stolen! Piper, take him to the brig."

Piper grinned and, quite ruffly I must add, hauled me to my feet. The other two men that helped her kidnap me followed her as she pushed me forwards.

They led me across a plank of wood that someone laid out between the two ships. The pirate ship was huge, and it's banners sported a gray owl against a cross of gray bones.

"Why an owl?" I asked.

"Because the captains the daughter of Athena, of course," Piper said, like it was the most obvious thing on earth.

Wow. Wait a second. That grey-eyed woman was the daughter of Athena? The goddess of wisdom? The arch-enemy of Posiden?

"Impossible," I muttered.

The guy who tackled me laughed. "Very possible, actually, seeing as it's true."

They led me below decks of the ship. Normally, brigs were at the bottom of ships, and taking the size of the ship into accordance, the walk would take some time.

The ship was crafted quite nicely for a pirate ship. It was made of oak, and had rugs on the ground and tapestries on the walls.

"It is quite beautiful, isn't it," Piper said.

I didn't answer.

"Well, Annabeth was right," Lightning-eyes said. "He's not very talkative."

"Annabeth's always right," Scar-face snapped.

"Oh, there's Luke, jumping to Annabeths defence," Piper said.

"Maybe he's hoping if he does it enough that she'll let him between her thighs," Lightning-eyes said mockingly.

"Shut up, Jason," Luke said.

"Ohh, someone's angry," Piper said.

"Or maybe he's just jealous," Jason mocked. "I mean, I get to cuddle between your thighs on the regular, and all he can get is whores."

"I said shut up," Luke growled. I could tell this was going to end badly.

"Defiantly jealous," Piper said. "Maybe if you asked Thalia-"

"Shut up McLean!" Luke said angrily, cutting her off.

Wait a second. McLean? McLean was a powerful house, and from what I last heard, the lord was missing a daughter.

"Your Lord McLeans missing daughter?" I asked.

All three of them went silent.

"He's been looking for you!" I said. It was true. Lord McLean had recently sent men to Argos, asking about her. "He's worried sick!"

"I'm his bastard daughter!" Piper shouted angrily. "My mother was a whore! He doesn't care about me, he only cares about marrying me off to a man three times my age!"

When I looked into her eyes, they were red.

"And I bet my sister is worried sick too, isn't she," Piper shouted. "Praying to the gods for my safe return? Is that what she told you?"

I tried to answer, but I couldn't find the words to speak. We had stopped walking.

"Well, Drew always was a good actress," Piper shouted. "But she's hates me! Couldn't bear to think that Tristan cheated on her perfect mother. She made my life a living hell! And my dad didn't help, I can tell you that."

I was sure the whole boat could hear her screaming.

"I mean, what choice did I have but to run away? My fiancé had a reputation of beating his wives!" Piper shouted. "And you dare to say that my fathers worried about me? The only people who would ever care about me, not my appearances or my social worth, are Annabeth, Jason, and the members of this crew!"

And with that, she turned on her heels and stomped away.

"Don't bring that topic up again," Jason said, and then he pushed me forwards.

We spent the rest of the walk to the brig in silence. When we got there, Jason pushed me into a cell and locked it. Then he walked away, with Luke behind him.

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