Chapter 6: Annabeth and Percy

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Annabeth's POV

We had docked at a small town near the border between Greece and Rome.

"There are two praetors in the SPQR legion. Reyna's back in Rome, but Octavian is in this town, resting until he makes the journey home tomorrow," I said. "So we have to act tonight."

"What's the plan?" Jason asked. I was in my study with him, Piper, Rachel, Thalia, Luke, and Nico. They were all I needed to pull this off.

"As Gwen has told us, Octavian has a taste for red-haired prostitutes," I said. "So, upon notice of his visit, the local brothel has asked for one. We're going to take the position."

I looked at Rachel, as did everyone else.

"Oh, you're kidding me," She said.

"You won't have to sleep with him," I said. "You just have to lead him outside of the brothel. We'll be waiting."

"Why can't you have, like, Piper do it?" Rachel complained. "You always have her do these kind of things!"

"Piper doesn't have red hair," I pointed out. Rachel mumbled something under her breath.

"And then?" Thalia asked.

"We take him," I said. "A legion is incomplete without its praetors. Reyna will pay big for him. Does everyone know the plan?"

Everyone nodded.

"Good. Piper, go doll Rachel up with some makeup, then take her to the brothel to get the job. He'll arrive at the brothel at around sunset, so you have two hours. Go."

Piper nodded and grabbed Rachel's hand, dragging her out of the room.

Percy's POV

"Do you feel that?" I asked.

"What?" Leo asked.

"We're not moving," I replied. "They've docked somewhere."

My eyes darted around the room. The guards had left for dinner, and we were alone.

"What are you two planning?" Frank asked.

"Escape," Leo answered. "If we're going to, it's going to be now."

"No!" Frank said. "You heard Rachel! Their going to ransom us! If we wait, we'll be fine!"

"And be known as the weak prince, who was held captive by a female pirate?" I said. "What do you think that'll do for my reputation when I become King?"

"Also, no more bread," Leo said. "I cannot eat any more bread, man."

"Okay," Frank said after a pause. "I'm in."

"Great!" I said. "Now all we need is a plan!"

"Oh, I've got one," Leo said as he pulled something out of his pocket. "They should've searched us before locking us in here."

Metal. He had several small scraps of metal sitting in his palm.

"Do you know how to pick locks?" I asked.

His smile said it all.

Frank and I waited as Leo twisted the metal scraps together, and started picking the lock on his cell. After about two minutes, the door swung open.

Leo then opened mine, then Franks. Soon, we were all out of our cells.

Annabeth's POV

Everything was going according to plan.

Piper and I were also pretending to be prostitutes, to make sure Rachel was safe. It was a change in the plan that Rachel had asked for.

Rachel whispered something into Octavian's ear, and he followed her outside. I excused myself from the group of prostitutes I had been sitting with and walked out the door, Piper right behind me. I pulled out my celestial-bronze knife.

Rachel had taken him to the spot we had asked her too, which was surrounded by trees. My men were in those trees.

"I don't understand," Octavian said. He was right in front of me, and he didn't hear me creep up behind him until it was too late.

"Be quiet," I whispered as I pressed my blade into his neck, almost drawing blood.

My men swung down from the trees, surrounding Octavian and I.

"What is this?" He asked harshly.

"Take a guess," I replied as Jason came forwards with rope.

"If you try to run, or if you scream, Thalia's spear will pierce your heart," I said as I removed my knife from his throat.

Percy's POV

"Now what?" Frank asked.

It was a good question.

"We run," Leo said.

I pulled on the door that lead out of the cell room, but it was locked. Until Leo opened it, of course.

Luckily, the hall was empty. We were at the bottom of the ship, and there were no windows that we could climb out of. We needed to get higher up.

But how? There must be at least four hundred people on this boat, and if any of them saw us, it would be over. And dinner must've been over by now.

We quickly walked down the hall. All we needed to do was find a window, and then we could jump.

As soon as we got to the end of the hall, I heard voices. I dived towards the nearest door, pulled it open, and rushed inside, Leo and Frank right behind me.

It was obviously a bedroom, because it had three bunk-beds in it.

After we had been in the room for about a minute, I heard a shriek. Not of pain, but of surprise.

They knew.

Annabeth's POV

After tying Octavian up and gagging him, we headed back towards the ship. If we were going to pull this off, we needed to take off as soon as possible.

As soon as we got back to the ship, I could tell something was wrong. Members of my crew were scurrying around the deck, and I could instantly tell they were locking doors, and searching.

My body tensed. That meant the ship was on lockdown. Which could only mean one thing: someone's escaped.

"What happened?" I asked angrily as I stormed on board.

"Some prisoners escaped, captain," Calypso said nervously. She was named after the goddess, who was trapped on Oygaia.

"Who?" I growled.

"Leo, Lord Frank, and-" Calypso gulped. "Prince Percy."

No. No no no no no. Not Percy. That boy was worth more than a chest of diamonds.

"Set sail!" I shouted at Tyson, the cyclops who steered the ship. He signalled to others, and soon the ship was being prepared to move.

"And you," I snarled at Calypso. "You better pray to the gods that we find him."

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