Chapter 2: Annabeth

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I wiped the blood off of my drakon-bone sword and sheathed it. While I favored my knife, my sword served me dutifully in battle.

The fight had been won. The smart men had surrendered, while my men were killing the stupid ones.

After the last of my enemy's head parted with his body, thanks to Jason's sword, I spoke.

"We have won!" My men cheered. "Now, it's time for the looting! Take everything you think is valuable, and bring all the survivors to my feet!"

My men cheered again, and then they took off. There was no need for me to partake, seeing as I got ten percent of the loot. Just one of the many joys of being captain.

I looked up at the flag blowing from the mast of the ship. It sported a black shark on a blue background. It was the crest of house Jackson.

I had been planning this raid ever since Prince Percy's participation in the Olympics was announced. Thankfully, everything went according to plan.

After around thirty minutes, most of my men had emerged from below the decks. It was time for the sacrifices.

When I cleared my throat, all of my men went silent. "Powerful lord Poseidon, you have blessed us with a calm sea, which was imperative in this battle. Please take our offerings, which we make in your name."

And right on cue, all of my men threw some of their loot into the sea.

"Lady Athena!" I called after everyone was done. "Thank you for giving us the wits to win this battle today. Once we land, I promise we shall sacrifice the biggest bull on the market in your name."

And now, for the captives. There were multiple of them, with burlap sacks covering their faces. We did that so we could see the looks on their faces when they noticed that their captor was a woman.

They were lined up in order of importance, with the men who had taken them standing behind them.

I walked down to the bottom of the line, and the captive's burlap sack was pulled off their face. It was a boy, a scrawny one with messy brown hair. His eyes were darting around the deck, taking everything in. Surprisingly, he didn't look surprised when he saw me.

"Who are you?" I asked, my hand on my sword hilt.

"Leo," He said. "I'm a servant."

"To who?" I asked.

There was a brief moment of silence. "Prince Percy."

I smiled. If the servant was here, so was the master. "Take him to the brig."

Calypso, who was standing behind him, nodded and hauled the boy to his feet.

The rest of the captives were dealt with the same way. If they answered my questions, or served a rich master, I sent them to the brig. If they were uncooperative, I had them walk the plank.

Eventually, I got to the second last captive. Hazel pulled off his burlap sack.

"Name?" I asked.

"Frank of house Zhang," He replied sternly. That meant he was the son of the Jackson's Navy General.

I didn't need any more information. "Put him in the the brig."

Hazel nodded and hauled him to his feet. Don't even ask me how she did that, seeing as he was a really big guy.

Then I got to the last one. Piper hauled off his burlap sack. She didn't do it gently, and there was a cut across her cheek, so I assumed that the captive had hit her with something.

I looked down, and found myself face-to-face with Prince Percy Jackson of Argos.

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