Chapter 15: Percy

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Hazel woke us up in the morning.

"Breakfast!" She said happily, clapping her hands together. With her were Calypso and Nico, the boy who usually brought us breakfast. I had met him in the infirmary, seeing as he was dating the ships doctor, Will. They all had food in their hands.

After we finished eating, Hazel cleared her throat.

"So, as Annabeth explained, you guys are getting to roam the ship," Hazel said. "I'm going to be your escort. So, if you're worried about getting lost or whatever, just stick by me. Now, let's go!"

Most of us followed her out. She started giving us a tour of the ship, pointing out where the main rooms were, those sorts of things. The ship was huge.

"And that's pretty much it," Hazel said after we arrived at our new room an hour or so later. I had remembered where practically nothing was, so I was pretty much screwed.

"Can you take us to the sparring room?" I asked.

"Sure," Hazel replied, before starting to walk down the hall. I followed her, along with Frank and Leo.

"So, do any of you have a girlfriend back home?" Hazel asked.

There was a moment of silence.

"No," Leo replied.

"Oh, I can believe that about you," Hazel joked. "But a prince and a general's son? I don't believe that for a second. Girls would be throwing themselves all over you two."

"Prostitutes, maybe..." Leo's voice trailed off, before his eyes widened, like he just figured out something that had been bothering him.

"Well, of course they would, that's their jobs," Hazel smiled. "But I assume other girls would too."

She turned around to face Frank. "Especially a big, handsome guy like you. I bet you're big in the place where it really matters."

Leo and I practically doubled over laughing while Frank's face went as red as a tomato.


A few hours later, I was exhausted. After a half day of nonstop sparring, I was ready to collapse.

Hazel took us back to the room. Leo had left awhile ago, and was waiting for us when we got back. He was talking to Calypso, and they were both laughing about something. I noticed that her sling was now blue instead of white, and had a bronze dragon stitched on it. A rather bad dragon, but you could tell what it was.

She left when Frank and I sat down with our dinner, which Hazel was handing out.

"Looks like you two have bonded," I joked.

"Yeah," Leo replied. "I finally figured out where I recognized her from."

Frank and I stared at him, and a few moments later, he got the message and elaborated.

"She was one of Captain Odysseus' favorite prostitutes," Leo said. "I'm surprised you didn't recognize her, Perc. You hired her once."

My mouth dropped open. "I did?"

"Yeah," He replied. "But she doesn't care. You were just as meaningless to her as she was to you."

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