"She's got a point you know!" Roman agreed. I got up and made my way over to him giving him a good slap to the face.

"Hey, what was that for?" He asked rubbing his cheek. Abby laughed as she took a seat on the floor untying Dolph's boots. I quietly laughed and continued talking with everyone about random stuff.

"Dolph is part of your ring attire having your boots untied?" Randy asked. Dolph tried looking down to see his boots but failed because he was still carrying Sheila as she played with his hair.

"Can someone pry this girl off me so I can tie them?" He asked desperately. Randy walked over and started yanking Sheila off but was having a hard time.

"LET GO OF HIM WOMAN!" Randy grunted pulling even harder as Dolph tried to break free by trying to separate her arms from his neck.

"NEVER!" She shouted gripping on tighter

"Why do you love him so bad?" Galina asked. Sheila looked at her mom and smiled

"Cause he smells good!" I laughed as she finished her sentence. Nikki and Brie shook their heads while smiling and randy took this time to tickle Sheila and get her off.

"No fair you tickled me!" She said regaining her posture.

"DOLPH ZIGGLER TO THE GORILLA" The speaker screeched. Dolph quickly retied his shoes and kissed my forehead.

"Good luck baby! I love you!" I beamed

"Thank you, I love you too!" He turned around and headed towards the exit

"Toodles Noodles!" Abby laughed as she waved goodbye

"Only Sheila can call me that!"

~~~~~~~~~During Dolph's Match~~~~~~~~~~~

The whole Black Empire, or what we used to call Black Empire was watching Dolph's match. He had the upper hand against Shinsuke and I was glad that he did. I was sitting in between Roman and Dean. Talk about awkward! Dolph had just super kicked Shinsuke when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I bent over and screamed in pain.

"Brooklyn, are you ok?" Dean asked. I shook my head no as I felt liquid running down my leggings.

"Wait did you spill your water Brooklyn?" Seth asked. Sasha's eyes widened as she saw the scene before her

"Her water broke! Take her to the hospital, I'll get Dolph and we'll meet you there!" Sasha yelled running towards the gorilla  

"I'm going too!" Sheila yelled running after Sasha

"EVERYONE WATCH OUT WHERE HAVING A BABY!" Becky yelled. Dean helped me to me feet and wrapped his arm around my waist helping me to the car. Roman opened the back door where Dean and I sat. Roman and Becky jumped in the front seat as Seth, Randy, Abby and Galina hopped in another car and we sped off to the hospital. Another sharp pain filled my body as I once again screamed in agony.

"Dean it hurts!" I exclaimed, a tear slipping down my face. He looked down at me and kissed my forehead gently.

"Its ok princess, I'm right here just hold my hand and breath. I got you!" He spoke pulling me into his side, grabbing my hand. He placed his head on mine as I tried to fight threw the pain. I don't know if I was ready to be a mother but there's no turning back now.

Sasha's P.O.V.

Sheila and I ran out in the middle of Dolph's match and talked to the ref. Many fans gasped and cheered as they saw me and Sheila walk out!

"You have to stop this match now!" I yelled. Sheila went over and tried to get Shinsuke off of Dolph without getting hurt.

"I cant just automatically stop the match. There has to be a good reason to end it!" He explained

"So if I kicked one of them-" Sheila started but the ref interrupted

"Then I would have to disqualify!" Sheila smiled and super kicked Shinsuke out of the ring. The ref called for the bell.

"What the heck Sheila! I was close to winning!"

"Oh well that's too bad!" She spoke in a serious tone

"Well that's not important right now what's important is that your girlfriend is going to be giving birth soon!" I yelled dragging him out of the ring. We all ran towards my car and made our way to the hospital.

"Is she ok?"

"Yes Dolph, she's having a baby not dying!" I looked over at Dolph who was looking a little nervous. I knew Dolph was thinking about something but I could figure it out.

"Are you hiding something?" I asked hoping for an answer

"No what makes you think that?" He said adding in a nervous chuckle. Sheila looked at Dolph from the front seat and could see straight though his lies.

"BULL! Tell the truth!" Sheila yelled as I made a quick right turn

"Fine my boss said that once Brooklyn has the baby that I need to...........kill it!!!


Hey guyyys so just wanted to let you guys know ahead of time that there will be a part 2 to this chapter and it will be the last. Sad news but yes. Any way hope you guys liked this chapter please vote and comment what you think of it. Much love!!~ Sheila

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