Hakko And Elias Become Buddies

Start from the beginning


After classes were over for the day, some of the students looked at the blackboard because we had a test from Professor Schuyler's class. I looked for my name and Keira then spoke up.

"*Whistle* Looks like we're on the fifth mark Yukiya."

Yukiya nodded his head  in agreement and he petted her head.

"It's because you've been working so hard good work."

Keira smiled at his comment and I shook my head at the two of them.

"Hey, quit with the flirting you two."

Keira glared at me and she said to me.

"We were not flirting, Yukiya was just praising me."

I shook my head and I rolled my eyes.

"From where I'm standing it looked like flirting to me."

"Whatever, anyway, whereabouts are you?"

Keira asks as she looked for my name. I placed my hand on her head and I pulled her head back slightly. Keira noticed my name and she was shocked because I was in first place while Elias in second place. Keira smiled at this and she looked at me.

"Wow! nice one, you really do have a big brain in that pretty little head of yours."

I smirked as she petted my head to praise me.

"Don't let my looks deceive you like I told you from before, I've been studying hard to become a healer since I was little and some of the questions on that test paper were a piece of cake for me." 


I was surprised at this and I then noticed Elias had a bit of a slight frown on his face. He said to Hakko.

"Don't get cocky just because you got first place on the test."

I giggled and I gently pinched his cheek.

"Aww~ is little Elias jealous because he's not the only honour student around here anymore?~"

Elias glared at me as he had a hint of blush on his cheeks. Yukiya and Liz held back their laughs at this while Hakko shook her head. Hakko then said to him.

"Ignore her Elias, she's just teasing you."

Hakko walked out of the classroom.

Elias watched her leave the room and he then spoke up.

"Why do I feel like she was trying to cheer me up just then?"

I rolled my eyes and I smacked his head.

"That's because she was you plonker, honestly you put the word 'dense' in a whole new meaning, let's go Yukiya, see you later Liz."

I grabbed Yukiya's hand and we both left to go to the flower garden.



I was in the library reading a few books before heading back to the dorms. The books that I was reading were about medical, healing, magical creatures encyclopaedia and practical spells as well. I was writing down some more notes based on medical herbs. I flipped over another page and Carbuncle was napping on my lap as I continued to do my homework and get some studying done. Just then I heard a familiar voice say to me.


I looked up and I saw Elias and he had a few books with him as well. I smiled at him.

"Hey Elias."

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