Chapter 57 - "You a cool cat."

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After Tina fed and prepared Cheyenne for bed, she started taking into consideration what Cheyenne's teacher said. While Cheyenne was sitting and watching TV on the couch, Tina decided to ask Cheyenne to do something.

"Cheyenne, can you do this 'connect the dots' sheet for mommy?" Tina asked as she placed it on the table.

"K!" Cheyenne smiled as she jumped off of the couch and started doing the sheet.

While Tina waited on the couch, Tina got a call on her home phone. She didn't recognize the number, but she decided to answer.

"H-Hello?" Tina answered.

"Tina, you haven't been to the bank to work in 4 days!" Her manager scowled. "What the hell?"

Tina completely forgot that she was working, but she didn't know where or how. Tina froze, placing her hand out.

"Uh.....iiiiiiii'mmm, sorry?" Tina said in a shaky tone.

"You're sorry?" The manager scowled.

The manager looked down, laughing a little.

"Are you trying to lose your job?" The manager asked in a serious tone.

"What? No no no no!" Tina panted. "I just uh.......I've been busy-"

"Well you get your butt in here by 8:00am tomorrow or you'll be unemployed!" The manager scowled.

"Wait a minute, where's the-"

Before Tina could get her question out, her manager hung up on her. Tina paused, bowing her head and hanging up.

"........directions to the.....job place......" Tina mumbled.

"Done mommy!" Cheyenne smiled, soon afterwards.

Tina smiled at Cheyenne as she picked up the piece of paper, looking at what Cheyenne did. This time, the connect the dots was worse. The picture was supposed to come out as a banana, but it came out like zig zags. Cheyenne didn't know how to count in order. Tina's face went blank as Cheyenne smiled up at her.

"How do I do, mommy?" Cheyenne smiled.

Tina cracked a small smile, grinning at her.

" did great babe!" Tina lied, trying not to crush her feelings.

Tina was coming to grips that Cheyenne may be mentally retarded and that her being put in a Special Ed class may be the best thing for her.

Meanwhile, Wu was flipping out about Pier's death.

"FUCK!" Wu yelled as he shoved everything off of his dresser and crashed it into the wall. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! FUCK!"

Wu paced back and forth as the other guards watched Wu flip. They didn't want to say anything because he was furious and they didn't want him to flip like he did on Chance. One of them glanced down, watching Wu stare at everyone.

"Well!?!?" Wu scowled.

The guards looked at each other in confusion, shrugging their shoulders.

"I don't.....I don't understand what you wan-"

"S-so, l-let me guess. I'm the only...I'm the only one who thinks that this shouldn't have fucking happened!?" Wu yelled in Chinese, proving how angry he was. "How the fuck did this happened? Which one of you did it??"

"Woah woah woah Wu, you need to relax!" The third guard scowled as he stood up and placed his hands up. "Why the hell would we sabotage you like what good would we get out of tha-"

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