Chapter 27 - Tink!

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Tina sprinted back, making loud noises with the stomping of her feet. She slid under the bed, covering herself by pulling the side of the covers over her body. The guard and the preacher stopped, standing on the stairs.

"What was that?" The preacher asked.

Both of them paused, then pulled out their guns. They drew their guns and slowly crept up the stairs, walking slowly around and holding their guns out.

"Keep your gun drawn." The Chinese man asked.

Tina was shaking out of this world. Her fingers laid by her chin as she glanced out from under the bed, watching as their feet slowly walked around, opening closet doors and looking around the room. She watched for 2 minutes as they looked thoroughly around, then stopped.

"Do you see anything?" The preacher asked.

"No." The guard sighed as he placed his gun into his pocket. "We were probably just hearing things."

The guard sat down on the bed that Tina was under, moving it down a little on her back.

"Well Pier, you want to make this place a little more "savage", you say." The guard sighed. "What do you have in mind?"

"Well, I was thinking about having the inmates build a little bit more. The space here is becoming crammed." The preacher sighed. "There should be one building for us guards, and one building for the inmates."

"But that'd give the inmates a better chance of sneaking and getting away." The guard added.

"Not with our four top guards watching up above." The preacher laughed. "Have you ever heard of an inmate making it passed the gates without being blasted?"

"That's true." The guard smiled as he took the notes. "Have any other ideas?"

"Well, we don't care about these women, how about we get a little action from some of these women prisoners?" The preacher winked.

"Well, what do you mean?"

"Y'know, a little entertainment." The preacher winked. "If you know what I mean?"

The guard and the preachers eyes widened as they smirked at each other, quickly nodding their heads.

"But none of them are going to want to come up here." The guard said.

"If we offer them some medicine or force them to do so, they'll do it." The preacher winked. "Trust me."

Tina's eyes widened at the realization of what they had in store for the women. Rape. And the thought about what Marcell used to do to her, was equally as terrifying as the situation she was in.

Tina had to warn everyone the next day.

Unable to move from upstairs, she was forced to sleep under the bed for 12 hours. When she woke, she saw the extra light from the windows glaring next to her arms. She slowly creaked her eyes open, lying there and listening to see if there were any noise from the room. She listened to the sink stop running, then watched as one of the guards walked downstairs. Afterwards, it was silence. She peeked her head out, glancing around the brightly lit room. Tina got up and nervously looked around, making sure that no one was there. At this point, she thought about trying to escape.

But after losing Tito, she was not about to risk getting shot and killed. That being said, she had no choice but to walk through the halls. Tina started panting and breathing heavily as she walked through, white halls, one of the guards ran out, glaring angrily at her.

"What the hell are you doing?" One of the guards barked.

Tina froze as the guard grabbed her by her shoulder, shoving her to the lunchroom.

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