Chapter 10 - Struck.

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For the whole day, Kevin didn't say anything or acknowlegde Chauncey. Usually, Chauncey was trying to avoid him and remained agitated with him, but now he was wondering if he was still upset. After school, Chauncey sat on his bed, waiting by Tina's phone. Feeling guilty, he picked up his phone and decided to call Kevin.

"Hello?" Kevin answered.


"What do you want, Tina?" Kevin groaned.

Chauncey paused for a while, then looked down.

"Listen Kev, I wanted to..........apologize for yesterday." Chauncey groaned. "I'm not neccessarily comfortable with boys yet......."

Kevin didn't say anything. Chauncey twiddled with his fingers, then talked again.

"I was wondering if it was aight if we go out again so makeup for me being an ass?" Chauncey asked. "Since I been being an asshole.......a bitch lately..."

Even though Kevin was still a little mad at "Tina", he couldn't help but to be swayed over by her.

"You know I can't turn you down, Tink." Kevin smiled. "You wanna meet today?"

"Sure!" Chauncey cheered.

He cleared his throat, sitting back down and scratching his head.

"I mean......whatever.........." Chauncey shrugged. "What time?"

"Around 6." Kevin smiled. "Meet me by the riverwalk."

"Alright. See ya then."

When Chauncey got off of the phone, he was pretty happy. He smiled, and headed towards Tina's closet.

After school, Tina walked into Chauncey's home with the championship trophy. She chanted up the stairs, expecting Chauncey's mother to be home.

"Hey! Renee!" Tina smiled as she shut the door. "Did you see our school whoop ass out here?"

Then, Tina heard the sound of sniffing coming from upstairs. She scrunched upstairs and ran into Romeo's room, noticing that he was sitting in the corner, cowering and crying. When she inched closer to him, she noticed that he had bruises and cuts on his face.

"Oh my god! Romeo!" Tina gasped as she crouched next to him. "What happened?"

"D-Daddy hit me......." Romeo stuttered, shaking and shivering.

"He did this to you?" Tina scowled.

Tina scrunched her eyebrows and got up to comfort him, when Romeo shook his head.

"He left the house...."

Tears started building in his eyes as he started to shake again.

"I'm scared, Chauncey." Romeo stuttered. "I'm scared!"

"Romeo, don't be scared. Everything's gonna be alright!" Tina scowled. "I'm gonna make sure that he doesn't hurt you again."

Tina gave Romeo a pocket knife, then stood up.

"Listen, i've got to go to the football celebration. I'll be back in an hour." Tina said in a serious tone. "You use this if he comes near you, alright?"

Romeo started shaking, then looked up at Chauncey.

"I love you, Chauncey." Romeo shivered.

Tina paused, cracking a small smile.

"I love you too, Rome." Tina said. "Lock the doors and stay inside of this room."

TransSexual.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora